

The following was written to the editor of LSU's campus newspaper, The Reveille

There is an industry whos reveue exceeds that of all professional football, baseball, and basketball franchises combined. Some say poronography is destroying the moral fabric of our society. Others say it is an expression of the right to free speech. My intention in writing this letter is to give hope to the many LSU students who are struggling and confused or even unaware about the allure and dissapointment that pornography brings.

We are all made in the image of God and our sexuality is an essential part of this image we bare. It is fundamental to the way God created the world and intends it to function. Sex is not something that Jesus Christ frowns upon or scorns as impure. It is His creation and meant for the delight of a man and woman in a marriage relationship. There is great wonder and mystery found in a relationship between a man and woman that is built on love, faithfulness, honor and respect.

In contrast the pornography industry makes a living off the exploitation of women and the entrapment of men who will pour immeasurable amounts of time and money succumbing to their product. Pornography peddles the lie that women are less than human, pawns to be conquered and used. They are "pets" and "bunnies", displayed like merchandise in a catalogue.

These images teach men to be weak, stealing their courage from pursuing the adventure of knowing a real woman.

It's true. Sex does sell. But the bitter pill that it sells twists and mars the very fabric of a person's sexuality. Pornography is supposed to bring a little more fire into your life. They never tell you that the fire ends up burning down the whole house.

~Jason Jennings, Campus Minister for Campus Crudsade for Christ

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