"Let the Valley Shake!" but not this year. In a rivalry that has both an earthquake and a fire in its past*, LSU and Auburn played smashmouth football, battling it out to see which team of Tigers would come out on top. In the end the game was decided because Auburn had the luxury of a team of seniors where LSU had freshmen.
At LSU, they will remember this game for tripping over a new page in the NCAA rulebook. A yellow flag lay on the grass and Auburn took advantage of it. That's not the only reason that LSU lost, but it is surely among the strangest reasons that any defending national champion ever got beat.
The LSU Tigers came off the field defeated and in disbelief, the roar of the biggest crowd in Auburn history raining down upon them. I sat in my chair staring at the TV, quiet and with a lump in my throat. I know that it will only be a matter of time before LSU will be back at the top.
That is the beauty behind college football and something that the NFL will never have. On the collegiate field, every year brings a new team with new challenges and obstacles. There are no salary caps, signing bonuses, or any other indulgences. Collegiate players play for pride, win or loose.
* In 1988, the roar of the crowd in Death Valley, because of LSU's last minute victory, set off Geiger counters registering as an earthquake. In 1996, after LSU's victory at Jordan-Hare Stadium, flames consumed a campus building.
Now since this was an away game, I will have to put up some random pictures from around campus.
Memorial Tower

Dodson Hall Fountain (In the Quad)

Memorial Plaza

The Quad

Memorial Tower at Night

Memorial Tower at Night

Now on to the rest of the evenings events. Went downtown to Swampmamma's to hear some comedians. I didn't enjoy the comedy as much as I did the insanely wonderful blues music that followed. We were just relaxing and conversing about life... cause that's what you do in a place like Swampmamma's.
Unfortunately, I had to leave after a few songs. So thus begins the story of the Drunken Moron (traditionally this would be Drunken Moron of the Game... but like I said... it was an away game). Our first impression of the trio that entered Swampmammas, was that there was something shady going on. Well, what would YOU think when you see a nice looking woman with two older men hmmm?!? Yeah, that's right... escort service. So, they came in and sat at the bar a few feet away from the couches we were sitting on and the inevitable happens... one of the men spots me. All I can think is... dear God... I want to be invisible.
Alas, becoming transparent isn't one of my special little talents... so this man starts to ask me to dance with him and I'm like... ummmm no and of course my friends do nothing to shield me from the unwanted attention. So I get pulled off the couch to shake my booty, which I know and now everyone else knows, I am not good at. That lasted about 30 seconds, the woman saw the look of terror in my eyes and stepped inbetween the man and myself, allowing me to quickly escape back to the refuge of the couch.
So that was interesting. It also turns out we were wrong about the whole escort thing. The overly intoxicated dancing man became attatched to the couple at another establishment and had been following them around all evening. They were seemingly too polite to tell the man to get lost. I, on the other hand, was not afraid of obviously running away.
*shudders* creepy old men
Anyways, left Swampmamma's and went to NorthGate Tavern to hear Lucid Soule (shameless plug time)
It was a good show as usual... Lucid is always impressive to me for some reason. Anyways, that ended so I exited the scene and finally crawled into my bed shortly past 2 am...
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