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The American Flag flying over Tiger Stadium (North Endzone)
This day, the anniversary of the September 11th of 2001 attacks in NYC, was marked by tributes, patriotism, and pride all over the country. The scene inside Tiger Stadium was no different. We remember always those who died, those who gave their lives, and those who continue to sacrifice and serve our country to maintain the freedom we enjoy.

Tiger fans show their patriotism
I'm going to give today's game the title of "Who's playing QB Now?" The question of who would be staring as quarterback was answered with another question "hey... why not play all three?" That's right... even our third string QB got to strut his stuff... which is great... both Russell and Flynn will mature into real leaders. With respect to Randall, he finally got his head on straight as well. I'm proud of ya Marcus.
(On a side note: One thing that I've had to realize is that all these guys are my peers and I shouldn't criticize them like I have been doing. They have to balance a life, school, some even have jobs just like me, AND being a football player on top of that I'm sure can be quite a challenge. Life is too short to boo our quarterback and if we lose a game or two, I'm sure it won't be the end of the world. If we loose three, now that's a different story.)

The north endzone scoreboard at the end of the 4th
Anyways, moving on... the Tigers scored on every possession of the first half. I'm not saying that the Tigers played all that well although the defending BCS champs showed no sign of the struggle that left them scrambling to beat Oregon State in overtime in their opener; however, it was the fact that we were playing a weak opponent that made LSU look like champs again. Saban was able to go to the bench for players that typically wouldn't have seen game time which is always a positive thing.
One thing that impresses me about the coaching of Nick Saban is that he never stops coaching and likewise, the players never stop playing. He is a constant reminder to the Tigers that they have to play the ENTIRE 60 minutes regardless of how much they are ahead. All that and an insane amount of humility regarding himself... not at all like Mr. Gerry DiNardo that money-grubber.

Justin Vincent (#25) scores the first touchdown
in the first minute of the game.
The unusual thing about this particular opponent was... there were absoluetly NO Indian fans there supporting their team... I mean a few red shirts here and there but no real support. I really felt bad for them. It is incredibly hard playing in a stadium that is accredited as "Death Valley". In fact, the most red shirts I saw were LSU fans that... *Speaking into the megaphone* uhhhh did you not check the schedule to know that the Indians wear red... goobers

There's nothing like sitting in the student section
where complete strangers become best friends for a few hours.
So lets start todays edition of... Drunk Moron on the Game... with a little story on how much not to drink if you don't want to annoy anyone. As usual, I entered the stadium about 2 hours early to ensure my traditional seat by Gate 18 in the student section. As the section began to get full, I kept on getting squished against the wall more and more. I was okay with that; however, once the buddy of the guy standing next to me arrived... my tolerance level plumeted. He turned around and informed me that he had been drinking straight through since 9 am. Really now... is there any legitimate reason to feel the need to be plastered before breakfast? I laughed at how glazed over he appeared until he kept on stepping on my sandle clad feet... my little toes were hurting. Quickly looking for a way to escape the godzilla breath frat boy I peered up to see some empty seats a few rows above me... I wasn't the only one... the girls behind me were looking for a way out as well. Which leads me to a more positive point... I'm not the only one that goes to the game to ACTUALLY watch the game... and that is inspiring. So here's my tribute to the several couples I enjoyed celebrating with and saved my seat while I left to go get some nachos and my Dr. Pepper at half time... I enjoyed shaking my pom pom next to ya even though you did have to give up your nice comfy 5 yard line seat for the sake of your man's need of continuing a tradition.

Liked the first two... advice to the third guy... you probably shouldn't announce that you are legal especially on your back unless you're gay.
I so wish I had gotten a picture of the giant purple and yellow poodles that had gotten a "special" haircut. They each had "Geaux" carved into their fur on one side, and "Tigers" on the other side. Oh well, maybe I will spot them next time.
To go to my flickr.com account to see more pictures posted from todays game, click on any image above.
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