
Evilness Happens

Its only been 6 days since I was nearly run over in a crosswalk on campus. (Read the account of the first attempt on my life) I'm beginning to think that someone has it out for me because this morning another attempt was made. I was again nearly run over in the crosswalk but this time I was a little more prepared. I had put some thought into an evil plan in case there was such a reoccurance of that event and although it seemed a little harsh of a reaction... this girl deserved it.

I was on the way to my second class of the day, enjoying the weather and the relief one gets after spending the better part of the morning cramming for an exam. There was barely 5 feet seperation between myself and the person preceeding me and this chick made a consious decision to stomp on her gas to jet through so that she wouldn't have to wait until after I had made it through the crosswalk.

So the sound of me yelling "Hey Crackwhore, I'm in the f**king crosswalk!" drowned out the sound of my rather heavy duty silver ring scraping down the side of her nice pretty black car as she flew by.

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