Sooooo *twiddles thumbs* I caused a car accident this morning... let me explain. I was walking from my car and the commuter parking lot to go to my 9 o'clock class when I started across the street in a pedestrian crosswalk. This lady comes barreling through and she should have known better than to speed through this particular area of campus especially since there are always plenty of students walking through. I was in the crosswalk already and she had to slam on her brakes to keep from hitting me. By that point I had already stopped and started backwards, sure that she wasn't going to stop at all. Another car, waiting to turn in the other lane apparently thought that she wasn't going to stop either and started to turn when she had almost passed them but by that point was slamming on her brakes to keep from hitting me. So the turning car clipped her tail end... and what did I do... ummmmmm kept on walking... I had to get to class lol
To be honest its not the first time that the fact that I was walking down the street has caused someone to wreck but its not my fault if the man couldn't keep his eyes on the road haha that's what he gets for oogaling.
Anyways, I get to class and its cancelled so now I get to sit around for 3 hours waiting for the next class at noon. Oh well... at least I got a free pop-tart.
So, the moral of the story is, when you think you're day is going bad at least you weren't one of the two guys who died from asphyxiation and drowning in cow manure.
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