If the Tigers and Bulldogs were doing time together at Angola State Penitenary, Mississippi State would be looking over its shoulder every day in the shower.

Death Valley was more like Sleepyville... thanks to an 11:30 am kickoff.
I've been working on this post for several days... and I'm finding that I just can't seem to pull things together. There is such a lack of material because there was a lack of activity except on the field. Am I having writers block or were things really that boring. I'm gonna go for door number two... it was insanely dull. Thank you Jefferson Pilot Sports for turning a tradition into a snooze-fest. I had to seek refuge from the scorching sunlight by passing up my ritual spot at Gate 18 in favor of a shaded spot under the scoreboard. To quote the Mole King from the classic television series "The Tick"... "AGHHH!!! the light... its too bright for my highly underdeveloped subterranean eyes!!!."
Anyways, I managed to get my grubby little paws on an extra student ticket which was I was supposed to give to my friend, Lacey, but the girl that was supposed to come in and take her place at work decided that she didn't want to come in. So Lacey was stuck there and I was stuck with a ticket that I couldn't get rid of, even for free. I went through my phone list and called in excess of 15 people and still no takers... that wasn't the only thing to go wrong though. It was apparently the "gold" game and of course I was uninformed and wore a white shirt *shrugs* oh well.
Now where was I *ponders* oh yeah... the game... it was 60 minutes of domination on both offense and defense. I'm glad to see the Tigers bounce back from the loss last week and hopefully they got a boost for next weeks away game at *dramatic music* Georgia. Start prayin to God right now... we're gonna need it.

It's always nice when even your defense is scoring touchdowns.
Announced at halftime, the TAF has finally raised, through private donations, the money for Mike the Tigers' new habitat... a mere 2.5 million dollars.... that's right... 2.5 MILLION DOLLARS!!! Now... I'm not objecting to Mike the Tiger getting a new place to live... his current home is indeed a little small and uncomfortable looking. I'm just saying... where's my 2.5 million dollar home... I want a 2.5 million dollar home. I'll even go so far as to downgrade that to a 200,000 dollar home at this point... just so long as it has a marble chinese staircase.

Mike the Tiger getting pulled around like the king he is.
Well... I don't have an official Drunken Moron of the Game... I guess 11:30 was just too early for anyone to get a buzz... instead I shall tell you about the people who annoyed me without trying to.
The guy sitting in the lower west side of the stadium. Your lemon yellow shirt annoyed the crap outta me. In the ocean of yellow gold shirts you stuck out like a soar thumb. Was it a combination of the fact that the Saturday morning light illuminated you brilliantly, that you failed to match everyone else, and that you were obviously on the larger side of things, if ya know what I mean, that made me stare at you throughout the first half? I was oh-so-glad you left early... cause you were grating on my nerves even though you were a speck in the crowd... a bright lemon yellow one

This guy was a dancin fool.
Awww come on girls... its a football game not a debutante ball.
I don't know who had the bright idea to start a tradition of dressing for a football game like you're going to a Sunday morning service or funeral... oh wait... nevermind... the Greeks... that explains it all. That is quite possibly, the most useless tradition in the realm of football (well, the Greeks are the most useless fans in the realm of football so that does make SOME sense) BUT it does give me something to rant about.
My suggestions include but are not limited to the following: Leave the Wilma Flinstone bowling ball sized pearls at home and if you absolutely MUST wear a band-aid of a dress PLEASE remember that when you bend over... ummm yeah. Finally, if you don't want to get embarrassed when you bust your butt walking up the bleachers... don't wear heels. In conclusion, "Try not to let your mind wander... it is too small and fragile to be out by itself."