The Coffee Fairy Strikes Again!
So I'm at work today... talking about my apparent need to instigate and prey upon helpless unsuspecting victims with a friend... and for some reason, he suggest that I invest in an ICBM. My response to that was... "actually... i'm pondering about the coffee fairy at the moment... can i get back to you on that?" I paused... then said "hey, what's an ICBM?" to which he replied "inter-continetal ballistic missle". Now that's all pretty interesting, but back to the question of the day... who IS the Coffee Fairy???
When I get to work at 8 am there is a fresh multi-gallon container of blessed Community Coffee in the break room. In this fancy shmancy place, there's several break rooms with these containers from which springs forth glorious blackness in which I pour several mounds of sugar and french vanilla creamer. I know it is not myself that made the coffee and I never see who does... I even arrived early to catch the fairy in the middle of his or her (although I'm almost certain that fairies are inherently female) mystic activites of brewing. Perhaps it is not a fairy at all but a trained ninja monkey from the LSU Vet School. These are the offices of the President and Vice-Presidents of LSU, its not like they couldn't afford a trained ninja monkey to make their coffee. Still there would perhaps be remnants of a Banana peel every now and then. All pondering aside... I am enjoying my calorie-loaded goodness thanks to the skill of the Coffee Fairy. All praise be to the Coffee Fairy. Now I just need a Wash-Cynthia's-Car Fairy.
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