
What I Fear the Most...

... has begun. Apparently the takeover of the world by the penguin species begins in Norway.

The king penguin, known as Nils Olav, has been given the honourable rank of Regimental Sergeant Major. Nils Olav was promoted at a ceremony in Edinburgh Zoo on Friday.

When the King's Guard appeared at the Military Tattoo back in 1961, members of the Guard were taken with the King Penguins at Edinburgh Zoo. This relationship was formalised in 1972 when the Guard adopted a penguin, named him 'Nils Olav' and bestowed the honorary rank of Lance Corporal on him. On each subsequent visit to Edinburgh, the Guard has promoted the much-decorated penguin.

Keeper Rob Thomas said that, if Nils Olav was aware of his status, he did not show it.

That's what they think... I've seen what a penguin with power can do.

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