
Uneasy Rest

Have you ever woke up from a dream so upsetting you throw up? When something happens in a world that's unreal, that is so un-nerving, your body actually has a physical response. Most people wake up with a yell, or crying, or in a strange position, or in another part of the house... and sometimes... not in their house. I could never understand how that happens, but the tears on my face, tell me that it does.

Does a broken heart within a dream constitute a broken heart in real life? If someone you cared about, in your subconcious, told you they didn't care about you, is it normal to wake up wondering if that's how they really feel? I don't understand how this works and it terrifies me.

I can not tell you what happened, the details are already slipping away from my memory... but my heart is still beating fast and my cheeks are still wet. My breaths are deep, but rough, exhaling in a manner that resembles a yell in a car going 40 mph on a perfectly bumpy road. The kind of road they use at automobile testing facilites.

I will not sleep for the rest of the night, my mind has been jolted awake by whatever happened in that world that scientest don't truely understand. All the studies and measurements of brain waves and rapid eye movement, do not entirely explain what happens during the different stages of sleep. There isn't even a universal agreement on how exactly the order of the stages of sleep occur, but one thing is sure, there are all kinds of sleep disorders that result in someone like me being awake at 3 am.

I hope I can drift off again soon, I have a long day tomorrow.

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