I tried this after seeing it on Jeffy-poo's easyjournal. I just pulled out entries from the first two pages only.
Directions: Type "(your name) is" with the quotes, into a Google search then pick out your favorite 10 responses. Copy, then repost your responses:
Cynthia is.
1. Cynthia is Faking It. (how come I always get accused of that?!?)
2. Cynthia is EASY. (I am not... unless I have a daiquiri in hand.)
3. Cynthia is the name she paints on her shirts with rainbow hues and sparkles.
4. Cynthia is a Bitch. (Why is bitch capitalized... am I THAT terrible?)
5. Cynthia is fabulous with children, and is also cat friendly. She is very obedient, loyal, and affectionate- she hopes you'll fall in love with her and save her life; she promises to love you unconditionally if you just give her a chance to prove how fabulous she is.
6. Cynthia is housebroken, and LOVES to be indoors, stretched out on the floor napping, or cuddling on a couch in someone's lap.
7. Cynthia is first spanked by hand, then with a wicked, small tawse and finally with a large, leather paddle... Cynthia receives more spanking than she ever thought possible in one afternoon, entirely causing her to miss her scheduled tennis lesson. As an additional humiliation, Cynthia is spanked in both her tennis outfit and the beautiful nightie and is made to pose for photographs with her pink bottom fully exposed. (Woah... let me clarify... first of all... I HATE tennis)
8. Cynthia is what most men would label high maintenance. (Maybe I should start acting like it then.)
9. Cynthia is of slightly below average intelligence. (hence the need to be housebroken)
10. Cynthia is quirky and kooky. (wow they really have me figured out.)
Honorable mention and most creepy goes to (I had to put it because it had both the word SLUG and SHRUBBERY. mmmm my favorites)
11. Cynthia is treated to a view from her window of a smiling naked cadaver whose head splits open, spilling slugs into the shrubbery.
Chad is.
1. Chad is about 85% the size of Alaska. (DAAAAMMMNNN! i think its time to loose some weight baby lol just picking I love you.)
2. Chad is already sold. (I got a dollar)
3. Chad is the patron saint of disputed elections.
4. (Lake) Chad is also shrinking in size, and the hippos might one day loose their home. (Nevermind, don't loose weight because while most people have bellybutton lint which is entirely unimportant, you have an indangered species.)
5. Chad is the hottest guy ever hes mine so all u other lovers back off. (eh... stalker)
6. Chad is stoned.
7. Chad is So Into Super Monkey Ball Deluxe.
8. Chad is not worth salvaging.
9. Chad is about to cave in to their taunts and have a beer. (Trust me... he doesn't need to be taunted to have a beer)
10. Chad is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fine!!! (Think she had enough o's in there... eh stalker)
Honorable Mention from the RedHotChiliPeppers fan club page: Chad is gewoon de beste funkdrummer ter wereld. Chad is inderdaad van wereldniveau, maar weinig mensen zien en beseffen dit. (Dutch to English translation: Chad is the best funkdrummer in the world. Chad is indeed of global level, but few people see and realize this.)
1. Jeffy is Arlo's supervisor at Corndog Haven
2. Jeffy is Evil. (this is from a page called leatherpenguin.com!!)
3. Jeffy, is that fire retardant jelly?????
4. Jeffy is smiling at Ralph whose not smiling. "Feed you the snake. Do you do that nude?" "Yes, Mr. Pierucci was naked. It's fun, do you wanna play.. (WHAA?)
5. Jeffy is expecting and will be delivering a new baby burro in a few weeks
6. Jeffy is afraid of the da-ark!
7. Jeffy is being eaten by the grass
8. Jeffy is so good that he's untouchable
9. Jeffy is a dark and sinister little goon who will be trying to kill a whole bunch of people before the end of the movie
10. Jeffy is one of the dogs that was rescued after being abandoned on a mountain top in east TN
this one doesn't really fit, but it deserves honorable mention
Jeffy: is there any chance there might be some flashing going on at the calendar signing tommorrow? Ashleigh*: I don't know? Are you taking your clothes off?