
"There's a HAIR-i-cane a comin'"

Hair-i-cane... that's how my mom pronounces the word t hat describes a massive ball of wind and water being hurled at the US coast line... but this time... it's 175mph winds... and coming straight for us, so it makes it a little different.

Now... to make this even better. My parents are in New York City... what a way to evacuate. They are visiting my brother and his girlfriend's family. So I'm talking to my brother in AIM... and I'm not sure who said what... but these words were spoken by someone... and no matter who it was. It was just plain wrong.

"i hope you die." "Wait don't die we dont have insurance on her"

I suspect my father... the bad weather loving freak. Well *na na na na boo boo*

That's all for now... I will add more to this later... but I have to go strap my house down.



You Are 30% Weird

Not enough to scare other people...
But sometimes you scare yourself.

I think that anyone that KNOWS me... I'm waaaaay beyond 30% wierd.

Your Hidden Talent
Your natural talent is interpersonal relations and dealing with people. You communicate well and are able to bring disparate groups together. Your calming presence helps everything go more smoothly. People crave your praise and complements.

The Keys to Your Heart

You are attracted to those who are unbridled, untrammeled, and free.

In love, you feel the most alive when your partner is patient and never willing to give up on you.

You'd like to your lover to think you are optimistic and happy.

You would be forced to break up with someone who was emotional, moody, and difficult to please.

Your ideal relationship is lasting. You want a relationship that looks to the future... one you can grow with.

Your risk of cheating is zero. You care about society and morality. You would never break a commitment.

You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred.

In this moment, you think of love as commitment. Love only works when both people are totally devoted.

Your Porn Star Name is: Candy Coxx

Your Stripper Name is: Candi

Your Musical Tastes Match: Dale Earnhardt Jr.

C is for Cynical
Y is for Young
N is for Naive
T is for Tricky
H is for Helpful
I is for Impassioned
A is for Alluring

Uneasy Rest

Have you ever woke up from a dream so upsetting you throw up? When something happens in a world that's unreal, that is so un-nerving, your body actually has a physical response. Most people wake up with a yell, or crying, or in a strange position, or in another part of the house... and sometimes... not in their house. I could never understand how that happens, but the tears on my face, tell me that it does.

Does a broken heart within a dream constitute a broken heart in real life? If someone you cared about, in your subconcious, told you they didn't care about you, is it normal to wake up wondering if that's how they really feel? I don't understand how this works and it terrifies me.

I can not tell you what happened, the details are already slipping away from my memory... but my heart is still beating fast and my cheeks are still wet. My breaths are deep, but rough, exhaling in a manner that resembles a yell in a car going 40 mph on a perfectly bumpy road. The kind of road they use at automobile testing facilites.

I will not sleep for the rest of the night, my mind has been jolted awake by whatever happened in that world that scientest don't truely understand. All the studies and measurements of brain waves and rapid eye movement, do not entirely explain what happens during the different stages of sleep. There isn't even a universal agreement on how exactly the order of the stages of sleep occur, but one thing is sure, there are all kinds of sleep disorders that result in someone like me being awake at 3 am.

I hope I can drift off again soon, I have a long day tomorrow.


The Bunnies are Coming

It's amazing how much a single comment by a complete stranger could be so thought provoking and inspirational. I admit, I have been slacking with my plans on world domination. They seem to have fallen by the wayside while I did more important things... like painting my toenails. I have to learn to focus on my evil plans better. With that in mind, I have devised a plot which involves an animal so frightening... even I shudder to gaze upon it.

All hail, the power of the cute and floppy eared bunny, with sharp pointy teeth.

Throughout history, the bunny has been a pest, a threat to agriculture, a loving pet, a holiday icon, a tender meat. Nature compensated for the weaknesses of the species and it evolved into a blood thirsty, cold hearted killer. This terrifying creature became super-intelligent and learned that it was something that was often mistaken by mankind, for cute and cuddly. It used its knowledge of the weak human nature and their need to pet all that is soft and furry, to lure victims into its caves. In medieval times, people were often warned to "run away" or face the consequences.

Many companies have successfully used the likeness of the bunny to brand their products. The playboy bunny, Trix cereals for kids, Energizer... just to name a few. Sometimes, however, it has been taken too far.

Recently, Wendy's decided to try and harness their power, in an attempt to develop a line of salads for the health conscious American to graze upon. They received footage from a camera crew which showed the bunnies in its natural habitat. The executives realized that "this was no ordinary rabbit" when they received the camera crew... in pieces. And you thought that was chicken in the salads...

Oh its a terrible, terrible thing for power to fall into the wrong hands... especially when they are mine. I'm giddy with excitement, yes... giddy. That's one of those gay words you see people who are slightly off psychological balance use on a regular basis. Anyways, I'm really excited about my plans. Of course, there are always those nagging questions and thoughts of things that could go wrong such as, Will Fedex refuse to deliver bunnies? How can I convince people with allergies that having a bunny is a smart move? And of course there's always the concern about the penguins. Are the penguins a threat to my power?


Tickle Tests

What is your Breed of Dog at Work?
Jack Russell Terrier. You want to get down to business when it comes to the workplace. You want to make your opinions known and you want to be there to accept the credit for them.

What's your Superpower ?
You've got X-RAYVISION!
Your answers show a keen sense of insight, coupled with a piercing mind. But you probably enjoy looking beneath the surface of things and reading between the lines. Your X-ray vision lets you see things others can't, making you good at reading people's motivations.

Which Candle Suits You?
Cynthia, your signature candle is Cyprus Rose
A romantic like you isn't afraid to take risks, especially in the name of love. You've got a great imagination and you like putting it to good use. Lucky for your friends and family, that often means that they're on the receiving end of a sweet note or surprise gift. Whimsical and fun like Cyprus rose, you brighten up any situation. And while your serious side won't let you believe in fairy tales, your sweet side knows there's no harm in working toward a happy ending. That's charming!

The Values Test What Yours Say About You
Cynthia, your values help make you a Privacy Guardian
Even when left alone with someone's most valuable secrets, you appear to be one of those rare people who could forego the opportunity to snoop. Because you're one who usually places a high value on privacy — yours as well as other people's — you're someone who can ordinarily be trusted not to let the skeletons out of other people's closets. Because you like to keep your business to yourself and prefer that others do the same, you're not likely to become embroiled in others' battles or concerns. You're more apt to feel that it's better to focus on your own actions and welfare, rather than face the potential consequences of meddling.

Am I perfectionist?
Appearance - Although you're probably very conscious of how you look, you're willing to occasionally leave your house without every hair in place and every crease in line. You're very aware of your appearance, but you don't obsess about it. You're okay with changes in your getting-ready routine, and are fine with not always looking your absolute best.
Possessions - Don't touch my things!! Does that sound familiar? We thought so, since your answers tell us you're neat, organized, and a firm believer in the "a place for everything, and everything in its place" philosophy. Chances are you take excellent care of your possessions and are proud of keeping them in peak condition. In fact, you can probably get a little uncomfortable about lending your things out, for fear that something won't be returned to you in the same flawless condition. Never fear, as long as you don't get obsessed with keeping things in their proper order (for example, it's gone too far if you insist on stacking your dishes according to the date they were purchased), being a perfectionist about your possessions is a very effective way of extending their lifespan.
Work - We can tell that you prefer to turn in top-notch work and always invest a significant amount of pride in every task you take on. But you also understand that it's important to have an open mind and a flexible attitude at work. That's why you're able to occasionally let your personal standards slide a little when your employer needs you to. So you stay open to change, while at the same time remaining organized and efficient enough to plan out a day or week at a time. Keep up the good balance!

What's Your Vegas Poker Style?
Cynthia, your Vegas poker style revolves around soaking up the atmosphere!
If you made it to Vegas, we can see you dressed to the nines, sauntering down the strip, taking in the ambiance of the dazzling lights. So who needs to bet? Well, it would be silly not to, but you seem to be able to get the most out of life anyway. If you're playing poker with some friends, you probably enjoy the friendship tinged with a competitive edge just as much as seeking that all important big win. The good news is that fortune always seems to smile on those people who are just in it for the fun. Perhaps your relaxed nature helps iron out your poker face, or you may be adept at bluffing with a few stifled sighs or grins. Whatever the result, we know you won't be a bad loser. There's always next time!

What's Your Theme Song?
Cynthia, your theme song is Walking On Sunshine!
Your upbeat approach to life makes "Walking on Sunshine" the perfect anthem for you. We can see you dancing down the vegetable isle with your grocery cart, smiling at all the checkout clerks. We sure hope you've had your Wheaties to keep up with your perky pace all day long. This happy, horn-driven tune carries you to work every day. And even in those brief lapses when you're not fully on your game, "Walking On Sunshine" seems to put things in perspective and get you back to your super groove. "And don't it feel good?" Who cares that this tune was a one-hit wonder for Katrina and the Waves? Even that quality matches your one-of-a-kindness. You're walkin' on sunshine and spreading it wherever you go.

What's Your Signature City?
Cynthia, your signature city is Seattle
Sleepless in Seattle? We don't think so. You may be laidback but that doesn't mean you're lacking in energy. Someone as adventurous and active as you is the perfect pairing with a city that's filled with fresh air, beautiful waterfront, snow-capped mountains, and plenty to do. Whether you're hiking, skiing, or biking, you lead the way to new heights and lots of fun. And what better place to reach new heights of fun than in your signature city? How about from the top of the Space Needle or Mt. Rainier? You can quench your need for speed in the Great Outdoors, check out a jazz club or a museum, and wash it all down with a fresh cup of java at one of the city's countless cafés — all in one day. Now that's something we can all toast to!

Crazier than Me

After some brief soul-searching... via google... I have found that I am not the only person with conspiracy theories on penguins. Except... these people could quite possibly be... freakier than me.

Subject number 1 - Penguins are really Otters in disguise

A conspiracy, which I think particularly important to tell the world about, affects not only me - it is the truth behind penguins. Think about it - an example of a bird is an eagle. An example of a fish is a goldfish. Birds fly and fish can't survive out of water. Penguins fit into neither category! It turns out that the makers of Penguin chocolate bars invented a mythical creature that was half fish, half bird to brand their product as. Before they knew what was happening, people accepted that penguins were real! Then began the great conspiracy to keep the invention of the penguin a secret. Isn't it strange that penguins live so far away where no one is likely to ever see one in the wild? The company even went so far as to fake encyclopaedia entries for penguins in old books! If you have ever seen a penguin close up don't be fooled - my theory is that they disguise otters in suits and train them to walk on their hind legs. There are many more minor conspiracies than this such as the JFK assassination, UFOs and Roswell, which have gained more attention. But don't be fooled. The truth about penguins could bring the chocolate biscuit industry down! Spread the word!

Subject number 2 - The Penguin Domino Theory (scientifically proven... therefore, not a theory any longer)

A mexican newspaper reports that bored Royal Air Force pilots, stationed on the Falkland Islands, have devised what they consider a marvelous new game. Noting that the local penguins are fascinated by airplanes, the pilots search out a beach where the birds are gathered and fly slowly along it at the water's edge. Perheps ten thousand penguins turn their heads in unison watching the planes go by. Oooooh! When the pilots turn around and fly back, the birds turn their heads in the opposite direction, like spectators at a tennis match in slow-motion. Ooooh! Then the pilots fly out to sea and directly to the penguin colony and fly over it. Oooooh! Heads go up, up, up, and ten thousand penguins fall over gently onto their backs.

Subject number 3 - Penguins, the minions of the Goldfish... and a lame, random penguin joke *particularly funny because it has "Jeff" in it*.

I have a theory that goldfish are slowly taking over the world. We all know that the water levels are slowly rising, and science says it's due to melting ice caps, but someone pointed out that that is all part of the fishes plan. Who would suspect the innocent little goldfish? One day we will take over the world. Join us now or forever feel our wrath as the golfish DROWN YOU! and then the penguins and squirrels will feed on your insides. that's what the beaks and sharp teeth were really intended for.
I just found out that you have to live in L.A. or Antarctica to own a penguin, so now I don't know what to do.
This penguin lives in Antarctica and decides he wants to get away on vacation, so he travles to Arizona. Well he's driving along and his car overheats and breaks down(yes,this penguin can drive). Luckily for the penguin(let's call him Jeff), he's right outside a repair shop/gas station. The mechanic says "Sure, I can have you fixed up in a couple minutes." It's hot in Arizona and the penguin's not used to it, so he goes into the gas station and buys some vanilla ice cream. Unfortunatly, the ice cream's in a cone and the penguin can't hold it, so it get all over the front of him and now he's sticky and dirty. He gives up on the ice cream, goes outside to check on his car. The mechanic looks at him and says "It looks like you just blew a seal!" And the penguin says "Oh, no, that's just vanilla ice cream."

Subject number 4 is a 3 part series... so It will be a post on its own...


Washington, LA... and other black holes of the Universe

Well... I got my first traffic ticket ever today. I was driving to Texas, had gone through Opelousas and was headed north on I-49 when over the hill was a waiting small town cop, just eyeing me for a source of revenue. I thought I was safe, my speedometer set on 75 in a 70mph zone. There's generally some leeway right? That opinion quickly changed when in my rearview, I watched him turn onto the highway and weave through the passing traffic behind my Saturn with his blinking lights. I don't think my heart has ever beat so fast or hard in my life. So I obliged, instead of taking the other obvious choice of outrunning him with my powerful twin cam engine, and pulled over. The officer walks around to my passenger side to talk to me and of course asks the obvious... "do you know why I pulled you over today mam?" Well, of course, I assumed my stunning good looks caught your attention and you just wanted to see if I was available right?! "I pulled you over because I clocked you going 79 in a 70mph zone"...

Now granted, my speedometer hasn't proven itself as entirely reliable, I've had a clean driving record for quite a few years now. I mean, come on, who survives parking at LSU for 5 years without a single violation *raises hand*... so needless to say... even given that there were 4 extra miles per hour tacked on the 5 miles per hour over I was already doing... 9mph over isn't really that big of a deal. People were passing me by... so what happened to them huh?

Anyways... I realized that I had broken the first rule of traveling on the road... I wasn't showing enough cleavage. A black male officer, I could have had that one in the bag... why oh why did I choose the comfy t-shirt instead of the low-cut sphagetti straps... oh yeah. I'm modest.

The thing I'm most pissed off about though, is that I've always wanted my first ticket to be something gloriously illegal... like giving my sweetie road head... but no... 9 miles over... that's my blaze of glory.


What I Fear the Most...

... has begun. Apparently the takeover of the world by the penguin species begins in Norway.

The king penguin, known as Nils Olav, has been given the honourable rank of Regimental Sergeant Major. Nils Olav was promoted at a ceremony in Edinburgh Zoo on Friday.

When the King's Guard appeared at the Military Tattoo back in 1961, members of the Guard were taken with the King Penguins at Edinburgh Zoo. This relationship was formalised in 1972 when the Guard adopted a penguin, named him 'Nils Olav' and bestowed the honorary rank of Lance Corporal on him. On each subsequent visit to Edinburgh, the Guard has promoted the much-decorated penguin.

Keeper Rob Thomas said that, if Nils Olav was aware of his status, he did not show it.

That's what they think... I've seen what a penguin with power can do.


Who dat?

It only took three plays before the Saints took advantage of the opportunity to screw up in their preaseason game against the Seattle Seahawks. Within the complete hour of play, they managed to do that three times, of which three times the Seahaws wasted not, bringing the turnover back into their own endzome. I watched this game, already knowing the sad outcome, simply because listening to it was kinda like hearing a trainwreck happen and you know what they say about trainwrecks. They are terrible but you just can't seem to look away. I love Jim Haslett, but I don't think that he will survive another season without literally choking someone to death with whatever happens to be lying around at the time. Dear God, I hope it's Aaron Brooks though... Is it wrong that I pray for that man to die? Is it really worth practically sentencing myself to hell if I end up being his demise? Yes... my friend... it is.


Toa 8.9.2005

When they lose their sense of awe,
people turn to religion.
When they no longer trust themselves,
they begin to depend upon authority.

Therefore the Master steps back
so that people won't be confused.
He teaches without at eaching.
so that people will have nothing to learn.


The Issues with Issues

Tonight, I sit here... very dazed and confused concering the range of emotions I've forced my body and mind to go through over the last couple of months. There are many things that I have learned, things that I am currently learning, and I'm sure, many more things I've yet to even begin to ponder about. Maybe if I make a list of all my faults, that would make things easier, although I'm sure I'd miss quite a few. But then nobody could say they weren't warned, that is, if they cared enough to learn all there is about me.

So here goes... these are the things that I can list as things that make me the imperfect being that I am.

I am not confident all the time.
I worry too much about things.
I seek perfection too much sometimes with myself and others.
I lie too much (particularly telling those white lies when I feel like it would hurt a person less to do so.) I hide things from others that I should not feel like I have to hide.
I am needlessly envious of others.
I am prideful, prejudiced against those who are fortunate, ingrateful of the things that I'm sure a lot of the fortunate do not have.
I have issues with my fidelity and therefore I have learned that sometimes loving people and showing love to others sometimes can do more harm than good.
I am confused sometimes about my sexuality and my purpose and my beliefs and many many other things.
I am my own good shoulder angel and bad shoulder devil.
Marriage scares me, planning a wedding scares me, insects terrify me to the point of tears.
I love sports too much and shopping too little to be classified as a girl.
I can't grasp the concept of cooking yet somehow I love food way too much for my own good.
I overanalysize everything.
I take people forgranted sometimes, particularly .
I cause disaster and drama unecessarily.
I hate physical activities to an extreme.
I care too much what others think, I am insecure.
I am not "religious"
I am not funny, or least... generally not intentionally
I am quriky to the point of just being plain odd
I am a lightweight, and therefore dangerously easily influenced
I fell in love with someone who constantly feels like he isn't good enough, and I'm sure that I don't help that most days.
I attract lesbians... and I'm not sure how.
I also attract men that could care less at how unavailable I am... and yes, I do make it clear that I am unavailable.
I have strange obsessions.
I am disgruntled with delievery personnel and librarians.
I am picky when it comes to ethnic food.
I have many toothbrushes, but only one mouth.

The list goes on and on...


The One About an Alien Superbowl

So Chad and I get the opportunity to go to the Superbowl. I'm not sure who was playing, or where they were playing, but I know this arena was huuuuge ass huge. It was the open roof style, but at night, the sky was real clear. The pregame show was pretty awesome, you could see people's flashes going off all over the stadium from taking pictures. As the stage and dancers were clearing away, there was a special arrival off to one corner of the field. Agents burst through the door, but my attention wasn't on President George Bush as he came walking out with his goofy smile waving to the crowd. I was looking up at the huge spaceship above the stadium. They didn't waste any time, making us guess what they were there for, it was clear they were here to annihilate us, or at the very least, ruin the superbowl. They started shooting with their *lasers* at the crowds, but Chad and I were already running for the door hand in hand. My parents were somewhere in that crowd, I wasn't sure how we were supposed to find them and even I got separated from Chad at one point. I eventually got to a door that lead to the street... and it was only a few seconds before my parents and Chad came through another one. We quickly agreed to try to get to our cars and go to my house out in the country. The problem with that was that, Chad's car was in the parking garage. Of course, instead of doing the sensible thing and all getting into my parent's car, we head back into the stadium. As I passed by some of the arena entryways I could see back into the field, and was really surprised to see people still sitting in their seats... slowly running out... geeze people... get alien rayed then... I'm getting to the car. People were trying to get out of the parking garage, which I was sure to be a nightmare, but it really wasn't... if you didn't let people in the line they would hit you... soooo kinda made that choice easy. We finally got out of there in one piece... and the alien ray had made its way outside the stadium to the people running around in the street. I think at one point we had to abandon the car and find safety inside.

Now the next part of the dream occurs over several days, we had no idea how to fight these aliens but they had ground troups and were going building by building chasing down every human in sight. We were on foot, trying to make our way to Greenwell Springs, but we were in this huge metropolis that I didn't really recognize except for when we got closer to the Baton Rouge airport. The aliens seemed to have every major highway or road under control, so we weren't sure how to get there. They had these guns that killed you instantly. I was the one that discovered that if you were hugging a tree planted into the ground, they stunned a little bit like a low voltage electrical shock... but didn't kill you. The aliens were very frustrated by this... I'm not sure why they didn't just pry us from the trees. Most babies were also immune. Now don't laugh... but I think human feces were a repellant. So hug a tree, crap in your pants, save your life. Well... now we were stuck on the 2nd floor of a multifloor building because the stairs had not been put in yet. It's at this point that I realize that I've had poor little Ari (my pet turtle) in my pocket this entire time. So this turtle has been through it all and is still living. We make a makeshift slide... and Chad goes down first. Then a couple of more people... I'm holding one side of the slide up. Then its my turn to go... and no one hold the stupid slide for me... so I barely make it. Grab Chad's hand again and off we go.

Still can't seem to make it out to my house (it's REALLY out there) and a couple of weeks of running around in soggy pants, hugging trees goes by. At this point, the aliens have taken over our world and have become the primary species. They give up killing us... and we become I guess... the day-laborors of the world, suited for the hard labor and jobs the aliens don't want to do. So, Chad and I get assigned to, ironically, repairing the stadium in time for the aliens to start their football season. The story ends when I pull Ari out of my pocket, and the aliens become fascinated with the little turtle.


_______ IS

I tried this after seeing it on Jeffy-poo's easyjournal. I just pulled out entries from the first two pages only.

Directions: Type "(your name) is" with the quotes, into a Google search then pick out your favorite 10 responses. Copy, then repost your responses:

Cynthia is.
1. Cynthia is Faking It. (how come I always get accused of that?!?)
2. Cynthia is EASY. (I am not... unless I have a daiquiri in hand.)
3. Cynthia is the name she paints on her shirts with rainbow hues and sparkles.
4. Cynthia is a Bitch. (Why is bitch capitalized... am I THAT terrible?)
5. Cynthia is fabulous with children, and is also cat friendly. She is very obedient, loyal, and affectionate- she hopes you'll fall in love with her and save her life; she promises to love you unconditionally if you just give her a chance to prove how fabulous she is.
6. Cynthia is housebroken, and LOVES to be indoors, stretched out on the floor napping, or cuddling on a couch in someone's lap.
7. Cynthia is first spanked by hand, then with a wicked, small tawse and finally with a large, leather paddle... Cynthia receives more spanking than she ever thought possible in one afternoon, entirely causing her to miss her scheduled tennis lesson. As an additional humiliation, Cynthia is spanked in both her tennis outfit and the beautiful nightie and is made to pose for photographs with her pink bottom fully exposed. (Woah... let me clarify... first of all... I HATE tennis)
8. Cynthia is what most men would label high maintenance. (Maybe I should start acting like it then.)
9. Cynthia is of slightly below average intelligence. (hence the need to be housebroken)
10. Cynthia is quirky and kooky. (wow they really have me figured out.)

Honorable mention and most creepy goes to (I had to put it because it had both the word SLUG and SHRUBBERY. mmmm my favorites)
11. Cynthia is treated to a view from her window of a smiling naked cadaver whose head splits open, spilling slugs into the shrubbery.

Chad is.
1. Chad is about 85% the size of Alaska. (DAAAAMMMNNN! i think its time to loose some weight baby lol just picking I love you.)
2. Chad is already sold. (I got a dollar)
3. Chad is the patron saint of disputed elections.
4. (Lake) Chad is also shrinking in size, and the hippos might one day loose their home. (Nevermind, don't loose weight because while most people have bellybutton lint which is entirely unimportant, you have an indangered species.)
5. Chad is the hottest guy ever hes mine so all u other lovers back off. (eh... stalker)
6. Chad is stoned.
7. Chad is So Into Super Monkey Ball Deluxe.
8. Chad is not worth salvaging.
9. Chad is about to cave in to their taunts and have a beer. (Trust me... he doesn't need to be taunted to have a beer)
10. Chad is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fine!!! (Think she had enough o's in there... eh stalker)

Honorable Mention from the RedHotChiliPeppers fan club page: Chad is gewoon de beste funkdrummer ter wereld. Chad is inderdaad van wereldniveau, maar weinig mensen zien en beseffen dit. (Dutch to English translation: Chad is the best funkdrummer in the world. Chad is indeed of global level, but few people see and realize this.)

1. Jeffy is Arlo's supervisor at Corndog Haven
2. Jeffy is Evil. (this is from a page called leatherpenguin.com!!)
3. Jeffy, is that fire retardant jelly?????
4. Jeffy is smiling at Ralph whose not smiling. "Feed you the snake. Do you do that nude?" "Yes, Mr. Pierucci was naked. It's fun, do you wanna play.. (WHAA?)
5. Jeffy is expecting and will be delivering a new baby burro in a few weeks
6. Jeffy is afraid of the da-ark!
7. Jeffy is being eaten by the grass
8. Jeffy is so good that he's untouchable
9. Jeffy is a dark and sinister little goon who will be trying to kill a whole bunch of people before the end of the movie
10. Jeffy is one of the dogs that was rescued after being abandoned on a mountain top in east TN

this one doesn't really fit, but it deserves honorable mention
Jeffy: is there any chance there might be some flashing going on at the calendar signing tommorrow? Ashleigh*: I don't know? Are you taking your clothes off?


Yet Another Reason

They don't let me in the kitchen too often. I do dumb things there. Tonight's example is the story of the wrong burner. I put a pot of water on the stove to boil, about 5 minutes later I walked back in to check it and realized I had turned the wrong burner on. The one that was on was heating up had a pan on top with a plastic spatula on top... which had begun to melt. That was the worse smell ever.

On the other hand, I'm VERY good at avoiding speed traps and the tickets that result thereof. On the way to work this morning, I passed by the state trooper who was shooting radar. He got the person behind me though. Less than two minutes down the road, the sheriff's office had set up another speed trap. I've always had a sixth sense about slowing down when I need to :) yay!

No Sleep

I think I would kill for a decent night's sleep. My eyes are so heavy and tired.

"aghhh! the light! it's too bright for my highly underdeveloped subterranean eyes!"

I went to lunch on Monday with Stephen, an old friend's younger brother all grown up. He's a total charmer, currently in college... such a sweetheart.

Went to lunch Tuesday with Jeff, its been a while since we've been able to get out to do anything together. I always enjoy it though... he makes me want to *snort* randomly at times.

Spent Monday evening with my sweetie, he spoiled me with a Sonic Blast (M&M's). That was my dinner, I brought him Cane's though so it evens out.

I know... I really have nothing to write about, but inquiring minds want to have something to read about... so *ahem* blah blah blah blah blab blah.

That's about how I feel right now though... blah.


My Blood

Well, I've found out something interesting about myself. I have type O- blood. Which means, I am the universal donor and anyone with any other type of blood can recieve mine; however, that also means that I can only recieve blood from another O- person. Being that we O-'s only make up 7% of the population... that pretty much sucks. Now there are other blood types that make up a smaller percentage of the population but they can also recieve other kinds of blood.

Upon revelation of the fact that I do not have the Rhesus Monkey antigen(which puts that - sign behind the O), I henceforth shall not be referred to as a monkey. That means the terms cavemonkey, crackmonkey, and monkey monkey no longer apply.