

A - AGE: 22
C - CRUSH: I don't crush anymore... I just stalk
D - DAD'S NAME: Ernest
E - EASIEST PERSON TO TALK TO: Adam, we're on the same wavelength apparently
F - FAVORITE BAND: I never have an answer to this question... its completley unfair to ask me to pick just one band.
G - GUMMY BEARS OR WORMS: Gummy Bears... I load up a napkin with them and stuff it in my purse everytime I go to Ryans *shhhh* don't tell anyone.
H - HOMETOWN: Baker, LA *shhhh* don't tell anyone
I - INSTRUMENT: Vocal Cords
J - JUICE: Dr. Pepper or Cherry Coke or the combination of the two.
K - KIDS: I don't like them and they seem to know it instinctively.
L - LONGEST CAR RIDE: Driving from Tyler, TX to Baton Rouge, but that only took 8 hours
M - MOM'S NAME: Sandra
N - NUMBER OF SIBLINGS: Do I have to claim him if he's really an alien?
O - ONE WISH: That I had a Magic 8 Ball that really worked for real.
P - PHOBIA(S): BUGS!!!!!!
Q - (FAVORITE) QUOTE: "There is one word that frees us from all the weight and pain of life, that word is Love" - Sophocles
R - REASONS TO SMILE: Almost everything... but especially being hugged
S - SHOES: My stripper shoes that blink flashy lights
T - TIME YOU WAKE UP: When the sun comes up.... I can only sleep late on cloudy days
U - UNKNOWN FACT ABOUT ME: It doesn't matter how cold it gets, I always have my fan on and my feet stick out from under the covers.
V - VEGETABLE YOU HATE: Anything that resembles a tree
W - WORST HABIT(S): When I'm really bored... I'll find split ends in my hair
X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: Head (teeth), Right Arm, Left Ring Finger, Feet/Ankles/Toes, Nose
Y - YUMMY FOOD: When God said "Let there be light" that's probably the moment he created Macaroni and Cheese
Z - ZODIAC SIGN: Crab... that explains why I have big pinchers.

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