Okay so lets start with I FINALLY got the insurance check to get my car repaired from the 4 car pile up I was in... thank God I just had a few dents in my rear bumper. So I bring the car to the body shop, get picked up by Enterprise to go get a rental car, sign all the papers and what do they drive out to the front for me to rent. This huge 4-door Dodge 1500... I was just like... ya'll are kidding right.

As you can see... they weren't kidding. This is the truck in my driveway (with my doggie next to it... isn't she cute). It was either that or a 15 passenger van. I was climbing in and out of this thing like it was a monster truck. Of course the first thing I had to do was pull the seat up and see if I could reach the gas pedal and brake pedal. Lets just say that I heard every wisecrack and "did it come with a ladder" joke known to mankind.

Did you know they don't have buttons to open the gas tank in every vehicle? I didn't... and looked for it for fooorever. Finally broke down and called Jeff (who also drives a Dodge) while I was at the gas station and asked "Hey... where is the button to open the gas tank"... man I felt like the sterotypical "I know absolutely nothing about vehicles" dumb chick that mechanics love to take advantage of.... "yeah... your flux capacitor needed to be flushed... that'll be 85$"
Anways, I got my car back and the rear is all new and shiney... the best part... THEY WASHED IT FOR ME !!!!

That's Steven's dashboard Buddy Christ... cause you never know when you might need a "Yes" answer from the Lord Savior...
The past two weekends I have been painting a picture as a wedding present for two friends getting married to each other. Since normally, the price of this size painting would be around $2000... I think that's a pretty good wedding present. It came out beautiful, just very time consuming. This is the first wedding that I've ever been involved with and well... its as hectic as all the movies make it out to be. Ordering dresses, picking up dresses, trying to get the dresses altered, trying to find shoes that don't blink like stripper shoes, tea parties, bridal party parties, bridal shower at my house, bachelorette party, rehersal dinner... I'm sure I'm forgetting something. Oh yeah.... the wedding... I think I know why brides turn into stressballs.
Moving on... I think this past Monday sums up what the past two weeks have been like. I wake up at 6:30 am and go to my first class. In this class is a girl... two girls... who I think... like me *raised eyebrow*... I picked up on this factoid last semester and the fact that one of these girls sneaks up behind me and plays with my hair yesterday kinda reinforces my intuition. Plus that and they like to talk about things like... well... nevermind I don't want to mention it. Moving on, left that class and walked back to my car, drove to the other side of campus and walked to my second class... which went fine except for the fact that I was falling asleep. All four of my classes are 3 hour long classes... you try listening to a 3 hour lecture and try to stay awake (church doesn't count!).
So after that class (since I have a 2.5 hour break between classes) I call Jeff and ask to crash on his comfy living room chair. I get to my car... the battery is dead (AGAIN!!! FOR THE SECOND TIME WITHIN ONE WEEK!!!)... so I have to wait for him to come jump start me. Get the car running, drive over to his apartment... fall asleep. Get up, go to the cafeteria (yes... this is the first time I've been in a school cafeteria in 5 years and I admit... it was heaven... anything you want... just take it its yoooouuurs... it was beautiful) go back to his apartment... both sets of my keys are locked in my car along with my notebook and all that good stuff. So I borrow a notebook and pen and he drops me off in front of the building. I'm at the south east corner of the building and the class is in the northwest corner... and this building is nothing short of a complete maze... it was like willy wonka's chocolate factory... so 10 minutes later I arrive to the class 10 minutes late... apparently 1 minute after another girl was late and she got chewed out by the teacher and ran out the class. So when I walk in the whole class just looks at me and busts out laughing... why... turns out that wasn't really the teacher, just some guy pretending to be the teacher...
So I found out that my keys weren't really in my car... they were inside the chair I fell asleep in at Jeff's apartment... which I kind of already knew but when we looked the first time neither of us saw. Somewhere in all that... I went through the process of a portfolio review and getting a class changed from "credit" to "audit" on the last day possible to do that... and I'm going to be moving into an office and picking out my own desk at work and I FINALLY got my roots taken care of and there's a picture of me in the school newspaper and I have to go through the graduate exit thing and go get my class ring and cap and gown and invitations and all that graduation stuff taken care of and I'm PMSing and Valentines Day is coming up and theres a chemical spill so I can't go that way home and SAVE THE OTTERS!!!... hey where's my ink pen ouuuuuu a leaf... and jesus h. christ... I know none of this makes a bit of sense... and I'm skipping around like a scratched cd... but really... that's how it has been for the last two weeks.
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