
B.S. Call by Refs

What does this photograph show?
 A. One of the greatest plays in Hawkeye history
 B. One of the biggest officiating blunders in college football history

One day in band camp I was watching the Super Bowl Halftime show and I thought I saw Justin Timberlake rip off Janet Jackson's shirt exposing a metally boobie but since I was apparently the only person in the crowded room to see this I was led to believe that it simply didn't happen and I was imagining things in my drunken state. The next day at band camp I was watching the Capitol One Bowl where a last second touchdown pulled a victory from the LSU Tiger's grasp. Later I watched the replay on ESPN.com and despite the blurry images was sure I saw double holding by the Hawkeyes on LSU players on that last play. I second guessed myself since I heard nothing of it mentioned by anyone, not even experts disecting the play later on a sports show. Well, this picture provided to me by Chad shows that my inclination was correct.

I personally can't wait until instant replay is instituted in college football. I think the Big 10 is ahead of the game and I hope that they lead other conferences to this step. Leave a comment telling me what you think about this or whatever concerning the play call.

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