Sometimes truly tragic things happen and you invariably ask yourself the question "Why?" Bad things shouldn't happen to good people. For some the question is "Why would God allow this to happen?" or one step further into questioning the existence of God altogether because a loving God that existed wouldn't allow it. It's easy to fall into the trap of being mad at the Universe or God. Rational thought concludes that awful things happen to incredible people and rotten people all the same without prejudice, with or without the existence of a God.
Nonetheless you will likely find yourself bitter and angry with whoever or whatever.
The truth is being a decent human being makes one no less prepared to handle such events. It doesn't make the emotions easier to handle. It doesn't make the pain any less unimaginable. BUT. Those who love do not go unloved. Those who have shown kindness will receive kindness. Those who have reached out to someone hurting will find themselves with a long line of family and friends that are willing to sacrifice anything to take their pain away. It doesn't dissolve the hardships life brings but I find myself less bitter knowing that those good people are being taken care of In their time of need as they have done to others.
I did find myself angry and asking the "why" question on my way home from work when I learned a good man, his wife and family suddenly lost what I'm sure was their entire world. After working through my heartbreak for them, I have since found some peace knowing that they are most assuredly feeling love and support from every direction imaginable. Please keep this family in your thoughts and prayers.
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