
Tired Heart

I thought of you. I saw a gorgeous butterfly fluttering around.

As I sat on the stairs, it landed less than a foot away from me. When the stunning black and red wings closed, the other side was shown and it was transformed into a dirty and brown moth-like creature. When the wind lifted it up again, it was hard for me to appreciate its beauty, because the truth had been revealed. Butterfly is just a fancy word for an insect.

I once treasured your friendship with all my heart. You were lovely to me. Your touch felt sincere. Your words were comforting. Now the poetic words flow that flow from your lips are laced with poison and my devotion to you has withered away like an unattended garden with the passing of the seasons.

I'm almost sure you think friends are disposable. I read all the good words people say about you and I feel ashamed because I can not say the same.

There are no excuses this time. You are old enough and mature enough to know that a friendship, like any relationship, requires maintenance. I wasn't asking for you to call me once a week, but at least, to tell me you were proud me when I achieved my life-long goal. The moment which I've been working for all my life. It came and went... and you weren't there, you didn't even call or return my phone calls. Do you have any idea how much that hurt? Why should I put my heart through this again?

You weren't the only one. Its just that your knife cut the deepest...

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