kylie's quiz
How tall are you? I'm trial size.
Do you own a gun? Yeah... I have one... it takes the minisize glue sticks.
Rehab? Even though people probably will not believe me, I have never been institutionalized.
Have you ever killed an animal? A raccoon. It turned around and looked at me with frightened eyes right before it bounced off my bumper. I think I may have starved my parakeet when I was sick for a long time.
Are you Irish? Let me ask the magic 8 ball. It said no.
What do you think of hot dogs? I hate them... but strangely crave them from time to time.
What's your favorite Christmas song? Silent Night
What is your favorite smell? I like when you can smell winter... that's the first sign of Christmas and I go on a hot chocolate drinking binge.
What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Chocolate milk, hot chocolate, or coffee.
Do you do pushups? Never, the voices in my head don't encourage me to do such things.
Have you ever done ecstasy? Nope, I'm all naturaly messed up in the head.
Have you been shot? Yes, in the butt.
Have you ever been hospitalized? Yeap... my arm was hanging above my head in a cast for a week.
Do you like painkillers? Only if they really kill the pain.
What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex? Lol my weapons are hardly a secret.
Do you own a knife? What kind of question is that... do you own a knife. I prefer the spork... its much more pokey.
Do you have A.D.D.? I think I show more and more symptoms of adult ADD every day.
Do you love the pain a tattoo brings? Couldn't tell ya... yet.
Name Five Drinks You Regularly Drink:
1. Dr. Pepper
2. Hot Chocolate (again)
3. Milk
4. Tea
5. Water
What's In Your CD Player? Switchfoot
What CD player? In my ghetto blaster
What's Under Your Bed? I have a waterbed with 6 drawers underneath holding various objects
What Time Did You Wake Up Today? 9:30 am
Current Hair? blonde with dark roots... that I need to get fixed.
What are you wearing? Red shirt and short black skirt
Current Worry? I'm hungry
Current Love? Little Debbie Snack Cake Brownies... is that perverted?
Current Hate? Bad drivers
Favorite Place To Be? My bed
Least Favorite Place? The gas station
If You Could Play An Instrument? Piano
Favorite Colors? I'm gonna skip this question.
One Person From Your Past You Wish You Could Go Back And Talk To? Corey Hall
One person From Your Past You Wish You Could be with Right Now? My grandfather I never met.
Where Would You Like To Go? To sleep.
Where Do you want to live? with my baby... someday.
Favorite food? see current love
Color of most clothes you own? black
Number of pillows you sleep with? 5
What do you wear when you go to sleep? absolutely nothing
What were you doing 12AM last night? probably running around like a chicken in a dream.
What do you think you'll be doing in 10 years? The same thing I'm doing now... just with more money involved.
Are you paranoid? About some things... like penguins and bugs.
Do you burn or tan? Neither... light bounces off my skin.
First piercing/tattoo? Ears... then those were done two more times... then tongue and naval... and now eyebrow.
Last person you yelled at? The moron in the Volvo
Last crush? My math teacher in high school
Last thing you ate? An everlasting gobstopper
If you could be a pirate, would you? Can I be a pirate without being piratey? If not then I'll pass.
What songs do you sing in the shower? Whatever I happened to have gotten stuck in my head.
When and why did you last vomit? That's a twisted question... but I'm almost sure either PMS or a kidney stone were involved.
What's in your pockets right now? I don't have any pockets right now.
What color are your bedroom walls? Sandstone
Last thing that made you laugh? A gooberistic friend.
Best bed sheets you had as a child? Multi-colored hearts... I had that set like... forever.
Any pets now? A turtle named Ari and a basset named Anna... and Jade... Chad's manx cat.
Inny or an outty? Inny
Worst injury you've ever had? The arm swinging in a way that it definetly shouldn't have been swinging hurt pretty badly.
Do you have any piercings? Yes... I have a total of 8 holes that I was not born with.
What shoes do you wear? right now... sexy black heels
Have u ever won any awards: Dear god, I couldn't even begin... but the last award was well earned. My bachelors degree.
How many TV's do you have in your house: Three, two are mine.
Have you ever sprained/broken/fractured a bone or gotten stitches? The arm (again), and I broke my finger, sprained ankles.
Who do you tell your dreams to? Chad... and whoever else is relevant.
If u could pick one person to make out with who would it be? Steve Jobs... yeah I'm a nerd...
Baby... I wouldn't JUST make out with you ;)
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