
The TMI Survey

1. Favorite nickname someone has given you: Larry, he calls me his sugar momma although the most he's ever gotten was a Christmas card... apparently for some people it doesn't take much.
2. Favorite place you've ever lived: the same place I've always lived, Baton Rouge
3. Best year of your life, to date: *shrugs* lets go with... 1999... apparently there was some party then.
4. Number of pets you've killed: lol 2 *blush*
5. Age at which you lost your virginity: 20?
6. Will you ever get married? mhmmm, when exactly is an issue right now
7. What side of the bed do you sleep on? either on the middle or on the left (if you're standing on at the foot of the bed)
8. Do you have nice toes? Hell yeah... I get compliments all the time
9. Occupation: Student, Student Worker, Graphic Artist, and professional squeaker.
10. Favorite occupation, to date: girl scout
11. Pen or pencil: depends on the application
12. Are you keeping a secret from your significant other? Yeah but he reads this so I can't tell you.
13. Song that you'd like to make love to: "Godsend" DC Talk
14. Oddest song that you've ever made love to: Pop goes the Weasel???? maybe lol
15. Gold or silver: White Gold or silver
16. Do you want children? The plan doesn't include them
17. Do you give homeless people money? Not generally, I give them food if I have any.
18. Your worst habit: Lying, but who doesn't lie every now and then.
19. Favorite type of underwear on yourself: String bikini
20. Favorite type of underwear on the opposite sex: Boxers
21. Most embarrassing place you've ever walked into: Probably the stripper club on Burbon street... the one where the legs swing out the window haha
22. Celebrity you'd most like to fuck: hmmmm that's a toughie... I dunno.
23. Celebrity you'd most like to make love to: Yasmine Bleeth... why not...
24. Which one would your significant other invite for a threesome: hahahaha I'm sure he'd be okay with Yasmine
25. Were you born in the morning or at night: I think in the morning
26. Name a person you hate, or at least dislike greatly: Albino's... they kinda creep me out
27. How do you feel about the person who sent you this: Jeff is friggin awesome... he brings me to the cafeteria :)
28. Would you rather live in a 20' x 20' apartment with 10 people, or on a desert island alone: Island alone... I could be naked anytime I want
29. Who is your best friend: I refuse to answer this question... for obvious reasons
30. Favorite alcohol: Smirnoff Ice
31. Favorite sexual position: doggystyle
32. If you died right now, would you be happy with the current state of your life: no... cause I gotta pee.
33. Favorite smell on yourself: The pink caress soap.
34. Favorite smell on the opposite sex: Tommy or Polo Sport
35. 10 years ago, were you better or worse than you are today: lol way better today... I got contacts
36. Favorite day of the year: Summer soltice
37. Thing that you regret the most: I wasted a few of my younger years I think.
38. Hot or cold: Cold... its easier to put clothes on. Once you're naked if you're still hot... there's nothing you can do.
39. Favorite memory: snuggling on the couch in front of a fire during heavy rain drinking hot chocolate
40. Least favorite memory: being in the hospital with a broken arm
41. Drive or walk: driiiiive
42. Do you have something hidden in your home: lol yes *blush*
43. If you could see the world in one color for the rest of your life, what color would it be: sepia... that always makes the pictures look good I guess
44. Food that you would kill someone for: Macaroni and Cheese... although I'd hardly have to kill since it only cost like a dollar a box.
45. Something, that at the thought of it, makes you want to vomit: A cockroach in someone's mouth
46. If you could choose, would you live your life with or without money: lol what kind of question is that...
47. Big or small family: Party of two, nonsmoking.
48. Ever walked in on your parents having sex: Thankfully no
49. Favorite piece of clothing you own: fuzzy robe
50. One superficial item in the world that you want: McLauren F1... or my own private island
51. Love or money: Love... always.
52. Person you've had the best sex with: mmmmm don't get me started thinking about that
53. Do you wear your watch on the right or left wrist: left... but I rarely wear a watch
54. Love or hate your computer: Love it... unless its being bad... then I have to spank it.
55. Would you rather live in the past or the future(literally): Past... the world is only getting more ignorant
56. Band you would literally kill to see: There are no bands I would kill to see... seeing isn't important in music...
57. Deodorant brand: Secret... I prefer to smell like baby powder.
58. Most amount of money you've spent on 1 thing: Duh... college. I just got my bill in the mail yesterday.
59. Love or hate your cell phone: Love it... but I don't really talk on the phone a whole lot.
60. Overall feeling you get when you look at your parents: Wow they're strange... but I still love em.
61. Movie you would have killed for a walk-on role in: Office Space
62. Embarrassing pet name for your significant other: Pumpkin
63. Something you literally could not live without: electricity
64. Sweet, salty, or sour: Depends, am I pregnant?
65. Person in your youth who you wished you could have kicked in the face: I have a long hit list... Cody Lamb made me cry one too many times.
66. Favorite sibling: lol if you only have one does that mean they have to be your favorite... juuust kidding. Timmy.
67. Least favorite family member: The ones that pretend they don't have a family... that's just rude.
68. Something you've read (book, magazine, quote, graffiti, bumper sticker ...etc.) that's stuck in your mind right now: I dunno... but I think about Kermit the Frog for way more than what is considered a normal amount of time.
69. Dream pet: A jet black horse and a pure white horse.
70. Would you rather be blind, deaf, or paralyzed from the neck down: Gesus H. Christ.... I'm not picking one of those... out of the three I'd rather have a weird fungus.
71. Favorite video game: Tetris... lol I know thats sad... I haven't played video games since that one was created for Nintendo... oh so long ago.
72. Read the book or watch the movie: Depends on which one is better... not all books and movies are created equal.
73. Favorite cartoon ever: I loved My Little Pony... yes there was a My Little Pony Cartoon... oh and Animaniacs.
74. If you had your choice, would you rather be an adult or a child: Adult... I was a geeky kid.
75. Favorite thing that someone's ever given you: What I got for Valentines Day *grin* but I can't tell you.
76. Most painful injury you've ever gotten: I was in too much shock when I broke my arm to feel it... so I'm gonna go with the kidney stones... yeah that's something you DO NOT ever want to feel.
77. Is there a person you regret letting go: Lindsay Martin... maybe had we stayed friends she might be somewhat normal today.
78. Favorite type of meat: is seafood a meat? or is it just seafood...
79. Strangest thing you keep around for sentimental value: a walnut
80. Strangest place you've ever been: lol I'm gonna get in trouble for this but... Chad's family reunion.
81. Name the most annoying person you've ever met: Summer... man she was dumb
82. Do you believe in soul mates: Yes, although they are not necessarily the same person as your true love; although true loves can be sole mates too... good thing I don't think people are limited on the number of sole mates they can have.
83. Mexico or Canada: I'm gonna go with Canada... they may talk funny and their jaws definitely aren't normal on Southpark but at least you can drink the water up there.
84. Country you would most like to visit: Austrailia
85. Are you a mean person: depends on what time of the day it is around 2:30 to 3 pm... don't mess with me.
86. Do you believe in organized religion: Yeah... but don't drink the cool aid they pass out
87. Favorite thing you've ever given someone: a BJ hahahahaha
88. Worst gift you've ever gotten: I love brownies... but come on people I don't want to bake them myself. Brownie Mix... a lot of it.
89. Longest you've gone without sex: See question number 5... I think that's long enough.
90. Longest you've gone without masturbating: I honestly have no idea... a week maybe.
91. Name a famous person you'd love to stab in the neck: Paris Hilton... she's so worthless
92. Do you think you annoy people: Maybe if I'm overly happy or the opposite of overly happy.
93. Strangest thing you've ever seen on a plate: squid bits still squiggling around... thanks to Fear Factor.
94. Favorite time of day: Naptime
95. Show that you wished you had Tivo for, or that you use Tivo on constantly: American Idol... I'm hooked.
96. Favorite person in the world: Chad
97. If you could do one thing for an entire day, what would it be: Snuggle with laundry right out the dryer.
98. What or who would you ever go to prison for: As the saying goes, a good friend will bail you out of jail, but a great friend will be sitting right next to you... well... not everybody was meant to be great.
99. Yes or no: Yes?
100. Honestly, did you think these questions were a waste of time: Well yeah... but I'm at work... I'm a student assistant... what else is there to do haha

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