The Bride, Groom, and Me
Two of my closest friends exchanged vows a few hours ago to become husband and wife. It seemed to be the wedding of her dreams. How would I know?... that's easy. I can't tell you how many times when we were younger, Raymie, Lacey, and myself would spend the night at each others house and lay awake for hours talking about what we wanted that day to be like.

Lacey and Me
Raymie is the first of the three of us to get married and make those conversations more than just a young girls hope. She has always been one of the most beautiful persons to me, a friend that no matter how much time lapses between the times we see each other, nothing changes. Her husband, Josh... well he's a clown with a love for people that is so sincere and unselfish. We all went through the most important years of our lives together. I can remember sitting in rocking chairs for hours, holding signs for a car wash, and trips to Acquire the Fire and Lake Authur all packed together in one van. So many memories. I admit, I cried when Raymie came walking down the aisle with her father and was given away to Josh. I knew that he was perfect for her and she was perfect for him.

The Bridal Party

I think everything went okay without a major problem, with exception to Raymie's bouquet having technical difficulties while taking pictures beforehand. Raymie was surprisingly very calm, which I was grateful for. I think the hardest thing to do is try to calm a bride if she is upset about something right before her wedding. The ceremony went absolutely perfect and I enjoyed being able to spend the last couple of hours getting dressed and dolled up with my best friends.

Getting Ready for the Wedding, Lacey & Raymie
The funniest part during everything was at the rehersal dinner the night before the wedding. Josh's family traveled from Mexico and California to help prepare the dinner. Some of them did not speak english and some could understand although they could not speak it. Stacie, being the one to oversee many of the details behind this entire wedding and understandably mentally fatigued, wanted to get some more coke. So she asks, rather loudly, "How do you say Coke in Spanish?" and one of Josh's relatives leans over, looks at her rather intensely, smiles and says "Coca Cola". It was sooooo funny.

The Wedding Cake
The reception hall, was a gymnasium miraculously transformed. It was absolutely amazing all the details and things they did to turn the place into such a beautiful atmosphere. When Raymie threw her bouquet, Lacey caught it because she was taller than me... my hands were riiiiight there. Being the good sport and knowing that I really am the next one that will be getting married, she graciously gave it to me... besides... if I was taller I would have caught it anyways. The guys... now they have absolutely no excuse... a 7 year old walked off with the garter.
Thanks to the generosity of time and energy from so many, I can honestly say, this has been the most beautiful wedding I have ever been to.
Congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Josh and Raymie Mejia... I love you both.
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