Click Here to take my Quiz!
This is just my way to find out who the stalkers really are *raised eyebrow*... of course if you just put a fake name... I won't be able to figure out who you are.
Monday Madness
We all know just hoooow much I love Mondays. This one in particular I have been dreading because it means that spring break is officially over. I've been miserable for the last couple of days with a UTI... if you know what that is... I'm sure you know just how miserable I am. If you're a guy, chances are you have no clue what I'm talking about.
I'm running late because I spent 30 minutes looking for the book I had to buy for class that has mysteriously dissapeared. I refuse to spend another $4 on something that completely uninterest me. I park, I spill a full 20oz drink all over myself and the entire front half of my car. It literally imploded in my hands.
Anyways, so I'm miserable, I have a critique on some "abstract" paintings this morning... something I've really been struggling with. Abstract just isn't my thing, I'm too anal about everything being in its perfect spot. There's this girl in my class that just WON'T shut up! She just drones on and on throwing in every artsy term she could possibly comprehend into one big long run-on sentence.
I finally escape the torture of the critque. Now I'm sitting in my next class. Flash animation... the quickest way to get a migraine.
But before I get to this class I stop in the Foster Gallery to check out the new exhibit, there's one every week now that they are having the graduate show. Last weeks was pretty strange, but it was explainable and really kinda cool. This stuff hanging on the walls now... was just plain wierd.
Lets start off with the ducks on a train...

Moving on to the evil angry pig pot...

And finally... the mole's people version of the Crucifixion complete with colored christmas lights and a pile of candy on the floor...

So I leave the gallery and my mind is consumed by the weirdness I just witnessed... and all I could think is...

my toes are sooo cute.
I'm running late because I spent 30 minutes looking for the book I had to buy for class that has mysteriously dissapeared. I refuse to spend another $4 on something that completely uninterest me. I park, I spill a full 20oz drink all over myself and the entire front half of my car. It literally imploded in my hands.
Anyways, so I'm miserable, I have a critique on some "abstract" paintings this morning... something I've really been struggling with. Abstract just isn't my thing, I'm too anal about everything being in its perfect spot. There's this girl in my class that just WON'T shut up! She just drones on and on throwing in every artsy term she could possibly comprehend into one big long run-on sentence.
I finally escape the torture of the critque. Now I'm sitting in my next class. Flash animation... the quickest way to get a migraine.
But before I get to this class I stop in the Foster Gallery to check out the new exhibit, there's one every week now that they are having the graduate show. Last weeks was pretty strange, but it was explainable and really kinda cool. This stuff hanging on the walls now... was just plain wierd.
Lets start off with the ducks on a train...

Moving on to the evil angry pig pot...

And finally... the mole's people version of the Crucifixion complete with colored christmas lights and a pile of candy on the floor...

So I leave the gallery and my mind is consumed by the weirdness I just witnessed... and all I could think is...

my toes are sooo cute.
I Told You All
Monkey See Monkey Do

Chad woke me up with a bouquet of flowers :)
Then he took me to the Baton Rouge Zoo.

Look at me everybody! I'm a Zebra!

This little guy (his paw was twice the
size of my head) paced all day long.

I'm sure he was pacing too... just VERY slowly.

This monkey was sooooo tiny!

Its a mini-deer... doesn't mean it probably
wouldn't taste good though.

Nope... this isn't Mike the Tiger.

Yeah... snakes creep me out... but they take great pictures.

Awwww... I was taller than the pony.

There were three panthers in this cage,
but you can only see one :(

I love otters.

Otters are so friggin cute... I want one.

One of the few monkeys that sat still
long enough for us to take a picture.

A Lynx.

Cats are so lazy... all of them were just laying around.

Llama... its just a fun word to say.

I'm still not quite sure why he took a picture of a goose.

Giraffes... may be taller than shown here.

Flamingos... pink... like to stand on one leg...
you know what I'm talking about.

We watched the elephants get a bath... there's two
of them... one was snorkeling

A bobcat... big surprise that he's being lazy too.

EWWWWWW! Vampire Bats.

American Alligator... bite size. Them's good eatin'
How Sweet It Is
I have my man trained like no woman before or after me in history.
I say I'm thirsty... he gets up and gets me something to drink
I'm sitting on the couch in the dark... clap three times. He reaches up and turns on the light... maybe I should get a patent for the new and improved clapper.
I Love You Baby :)
I say I'm thirsty... he gets up and gets me something to drink
I'm sitting on the couch in the dark... clap three times. He reaches up and turns on the light... maybe I should get a patent for the new and improved clapper.
I Love You Baby :)
That's right... fear comes full circle.

Lets pretend I'm creating a new intro to the movie theater... you know the one that kindly reminds people to turn off their cell phones and that they are more than welcome to purchase drinks and snacks in the lobby... except... take out the kindly part and put the intro at the end of the movie when the audience is leaving and you get in a rather high pitched somewhat squeaky voice...
"Welcome to Baton Rouge's Rave Motion Pictures Theaters... where people have issues with sitting in their seats and actually *watching* a movie and nobody knows how to shut the f*ck up"
Can you believe those words came out of my mouth... well they did. As we were leaving the theater and walking down the stairs, I strategically placed myself right next to the group of morons that disrupted the movie so much that not only was a manager called in... but a police officer. That is a cryin' shame that people are so misbehaved that they get the cops called on them IN A MOVIE THEATER! There was that group of people, the sorority girls in the row in front of us who just would NOT be quiet... squealing like little piggies at every opportunity. Then there were a lot of people that were incapable of making it through the movie without excusing theirselves for gay sex in the bathroom. Are people so insecure that they can't make it to the toilet without someone holding their hands? Nevermind that... why did they have to stomp around like a troup of elephants let loose. This tops the 13 year olds that let their $600 cell phones ring because "they're so cool".
Call me brazen, call me stupid I don't care... sure there's a creepy girl crawling around in a well... terrifying all and leaving people all wriggily faced. Even still nothing is as frightening than the wrath of Cynthia let loose. I'm all riled up now.

Lets pretend I'm creating a new intro to the movie theater... you know the one that kindly reminds people to turn off their cell phones and that they are more than welcome to purchase drinks and snacks in the lobby... except... take out the kindly part and put the intro at the end of the movie when the audience is leaving and you get in a rather high pitched somewhat squeaky voice...
"Welcome to Baton Rouge's Rave Motion Pictures Theaters... where people have issues with sitting in their seats and actually *watching* a movie and nobody knows how to shut the f*ck up"
Can you believe those words came out of my mouth... well they did. As we were leaving the theater and walking down the stairs, I strategically placed myself right next to the group of morons that disrupted the movie so much that not only was a manager called in... but a police officer. That is a cryin' shame that people are so misbehaved that they get the cops called on them IN A MOVIE THEATER! There was that group of people, the sorority girls in the row in front of us who just would NOT be quiet... squealing like little piggies at every opportunity. Then there were a lot of people that were incapable of making it through the movie without excusing theirselves for gay sex in the bathroom. Are people so insecure that they can't make it to the toilet without someone holding their hands? Nevermind that... why did they have to stomp around like a troup of elephants let loose. This tops the 13 year olds that let their $600 cell phones ring because "they're so cool".
Call me brazen, call me stupid I don't care... sure there's a creepy girl crawling around in a well... terrifying all and leaving people all wriggily faced. Even still nothing is as frightening than the wrath of Cynthia let loose. I'm all riled up now.
The Muppet Experiment
I woke up having a really really wierd dream. If I've ever told you about my dreams you'd know that me having a wierd dream is nothing new. Anyways, we're going to go with the theme of fairy tales and muppets for last night. My dream had three parts.
In part one, I was competing in a talent competition at a rather snobby proper school. You know, one of those schools, where typically jocks and cheerleaders rule the entire world. I was the first act. Apparently I had chosen the "shock and awe" approach because I was in the gym in front of the entire school and I stripped butt naked, grabbed a pole (that conviently was installed right in the middle of the basketball court) and started working the pole. Needless to say, the girls were disgusted but the guys... whooooaaaa baby. Anyways, in a "bring it on" manner, the entire cheerleading squad feels the need to strut their stuff. It was basically a little guy vrs. the popular crowd senario. Of course I won, gathered my clothes, and got on a bus to go home.
Part two concerns the fairy tale. I was dropped off by a bus transporting me from part one to two. I apparently lived in a castle by the ocean. The wind was blowing and the tall windows were open blowing the lacey curtains out into the rain. The doorbell rings and all of a sudden the house is flooded by people I don't recognize carrying books and books of pictures. They are claiming to be my long lost relatives and have come to enlighten me on my heritage and the youth I seemingly can't remember. It would be hard to believe, but the pictures they had, were of me as a baby and progressively getting older. I can't remember those years. Apparently, I am a princess (hence the required castle). For some reason... they all keep on tempting me with cake and there's one particularly creepy old lady.
In the third part, Chad and I went to the movie theater to watch a new Muppet movie. Afterwards, for some strange reason, we decided to do a little experiment. We wanted to find out if everytime you gathered a particular group of animals or species (because nobody really knows what gonzo is... alien right?) if they would break out in song and dance. So we created our "shopping list" and began to collect the required subjects... putting each in the trunk of a car. I can't quite remember all the animals, but they didn't really line up to what is typically thought of as a Muppet crew. The last animal to be collected was a treetop boa constrictor... which we had to bait with tennis balls covered in rat scent... we finally lure the boa to the trunk of the car and cram all 40 feet of it in...
Sure enough they all launch into song and dance right there... the scene ends with the trunk being closed on them all but you can still hear the charade going on.... everything fuzzes out and I wake up.
In part one, I was competing in a talent competition at a rather snobby proper school. You know, one of those schools, where typically jocks and cheerleaders rule the entire world. I was the first act. Apparently I had chosen the "shock and awe" approach because I was in the gym in front of the entire school and I stripped butt naked, grabbed a pole (that conviently was installed right in the middle of the basketball court) and started working the pole. Needless to say, the girls were disgusted but the guys... whooooaaaa baby. Anyways, in a "bring it on" manner, the entire cheerleading squad feels the need to strut their stuff. It was basically a little guy vrs. the popular crowd senario. Of course I won, gathered my clothes, and got on a bus to go home.
Part two concerns the fairy tale. I was dropped off by a bus transporting me from part one to two. I apparently lived in a castle by the ocean. The wind was blowing and the tall windows were open blowing the lacey curtains out into the rain. The doorbell rings and all of a sudden the house is flooded by people I don't recognize carrying books and books of pictures. They are claiming to be my long lost relatives and have come to enlighten me on my heritage and the youth I seemingly can't remember. It would be hard to believe, but the pictures they had, were of me as a baby and progressively getting older. I can't remember those years. Apparently, I am a princess (hence the required castle). For some reason... they all keep on tempting me with cake and there's one particularly creepy old lady.
In the third part, Chad and I went to the movie theater to watch a new Muppet movie. Afterwards, for some strange reason, we decided to do a little experiment. We wanted to find out if everytime you gathered a particular group of animals or species (because nobody really knows what gonzo is... alien right?) if they would break out in song and dance. So we created our "shopping list" and began to collect the required subjects... putting each in the trunk of a car. I can't quite remember all the animals, but they didn't really line up to what is typically thought of as a Muppet crew. The last animal to be collected was a treetop boa constrictor... which we had to bait with tennis balls covered in rat scent... we finally lure the boa to the trunk of the car and cram all 40 feet of it in...
Sure enough they all launch into song and dance right there... the scene ends with the trunk being closed on them all but you can still hear the charade going on.... everything fuzzes out and I wake up.
When I Grow Up
This is a GREAT spoof on the "When I Grow Up" commercial...
(Quicktime required)
When I grow up I want to be a graphic designer.
So I can complain when people use the wrong font
say random wierd things and call myself a genius
get paid to doodle and twirl in my chair
All with less than 2 hours of sleep a night.
(Quicktime required)
When I grow up I want to be a graphic designer.
So I can complain when people use the wrong font
say random wierd things and call myself a genius
get paid to doodle and twirl in my chair
All with less than 2 hours of sleep a night.
Save the Bunny
Extortion - the felonious act of extorting money (as by threats of violence)
That poor cute little precious bunny... why can't I think of things like this to do... I could really use the extra $50,000
Extortion - the felonious act of extorting money (as by threats of violence)
That poor cute little precious bunny... why can't I think of things like this to do... I could really use the extra $50,000

Charlotte, North Carolina
Its 3 am Friday Morning when my alarm goes off. I think I didn't get to bed until after midnight so I was a little groggy. My only consulation is the thought that I'm getting paid to do this. I'm glad I packed light, although to most... it was hardly light. Light for me... only 2.5 bags and a purse. That's not bad for two days right?

"Aghhh! The Light! Its too bright for my highly underdeveloped subterranean eyes!
Anyways, I learned why I never want to have to commute in the early morning hours to New Orleans... the sunrise is a bitch... I was driving straight into it the whole time. It wouldn't have been an issue had I not had to stand in line FOREVER for the TSA to inspect every crevice of my body.

Waiting in the New Orleans Internation Airport Security line
Unfortunately I was too tired to be productive on the plane, but not tired enough to fall asleep. I'm sure being seated between a snorer and very talkative but sweet Indian guy who freaked out cause he couldn't find his cell phone to turn it off, didn't help. I told him I would be forced to get mad at him if the plane plumeted to the ground due to interference from his phone. A muffin from the stewardess calmed me down... airplane coffee sucks.

Landing in Houston: Part I
I didn't know there were such a thing as trains at an airport... I was completely unprepaired for that. I don't remember much about the flight inbetween Houston and Charlotte. Maybe I passed out, maybe they put something in my coke, maybe I was a little anxious to get there. At least I got this cool little snack tray... that was friggin awesome.

Welcome to Charlotte
*kisses the ground* finally here... now off to... MEETINGS!!! WoooHoo! *twirls finger in the air* At this point... I am REALLY ready for a nice long nap.

The Most Beautiful thing in North Carolina: The Apple Store
Although I was staying with a very sweet family, inbetween the stuff I had to do for work, I did get to spend some time with my good friend Larry. He made me aware of the fact that there was an Apple Store in Charlotte... so we decided to go check it out. He said it wasn't nearly as big as the ones in California... but that didn't much matter to me. It was glorious. Yeah I'm a big nerd and proud of it.

The Second Most Beautiful thing in North Carolina: Me... cause I don't think Larry would want to be "beautiful"
Things I did with Larry: the aforementioned trip to the Apple Store, experience my first country bar, get knocked around by a flying pool ball, try a chocolate cigar (and I actually liked it!), agree that country is the worst music genre on earth, note the abnormal amounts of personalized license plates of which none actually made any sense, flip off Lowes because that's apparently the thing to do, and make fun of the hillbillies. There was an abundance of crack peeping above the top of pants. They sell belts everywhere last time I checked.
The Least Beautiful thing in North Carolina: Hillbillies
Oh work... why must you exist. I was having so much fun observing the society we so commonly refer to as redneck. Get er' done.... I still don't really know what that means.

*Sigh* Leaving Charlotte
I was grateful that I packed more than I needed, since when I got to the airport on Sunday they informed me that since my flight was late, I would be unable to make my connecting flight to New Orleans in time. That being said, I had to wait to leave until Monday morning. The most annoying part was trying to track down my luggage. After much drama and one day later than scheduled, I got back into an airport security line. The TSA lady yelled at me and I didn't do anything wrong. That made me sad... I got some Starbucks hot chocolate to make me feel better... 10 feet out the door I dropped it... that made me sadder... I went back and got some more... then tasted it... and that made me even more sad. It tasted horrible. So in a last attempt to make me feel better... I bought some souviners... I think that might have worked.
Landing in Houston: Part II
Back on the train. Bought some more souvineers. This time I used my Donut Yoke 2000 on the plane and took a nap.

Pretty Blue Skies
Sorry there are so many details I have left out... but even now it seems like all one big blob of information. I had a great time and wouldn't hesitate to go back :)

"Aghhh! The Light! Its too bright for my highly underdeveloped subterranean eyes!
Anyways, I learned why I never want to have to commute in the early morning hours to New Orleans... the sunrise is a bitch... I was driving straight into it the whole time. It wouldn't have been an issue had I not had to stand in line FOREVER for the TSA to inspect every crevice of my body.

Waiting in the New Orleans Internation Airport Security line
Unfortunately I was too tired to be productive on the plane, but not tired enough to fall asleep. I'm sure being seated between a snorer and very talkative but sweet Indian guy who freaked out cause he couldn't find his cell phone to turn it off, didn't help. I told him I would be forced to get mad at him if the plane plumeted to the ground due to interference from his phone. A muffin from the stewardess calmed me down... airplane coffee sucks.

Landing in Houston: Part I
I didn't know there were such a thing as trains at an airport... I was completely unprepaired for that. I don't remember much about the flight inbetween Houston and Charlotte. Maybe I passed out, maybe they put something in my coke, maybe I was a little anxious to get there. At least I got this cool little snack tray... that was friggin awesome.

Welcome to Charlotte
*kisses the ground* finally here... now off to... MEETINGS!!! WoooHoo! *twirls finger in the air* At this point... I am REALLY ready for a nice long nap.

The Most Beautiful thing in North Carolina: The Apple Store
Although I was staying with a very sweet family, inbetween the stuff I had to do for work, I did get to spend some time with my good friend Larry. He made me aware of the fact that there was an Apple Store in Charlotte... so we decided to go check it out. He said it wasn't nearly as big as the ones in California... but that didn't much matter to me. It was glorious. Yeah I'm a big nerd and proud of it.

The Second Most Beautiful thing in North Carolina: Me... cause I don't think Larry would want to be "beautiful"
Things I did with Larry: the aforementioned trip to the Apple Store, experience my first country bar, get knocked around by a flying pool ball, try a chocolate cigar (and I actually liked it!), agree that country is the worst music genre on earth, note the abnormal amounts of personalized license plates of which none actually made any sense, flip off Lowes because that's apparently the thing to do, and make fun of the hillbillies. There was an abundance of crack peeping above the top of pants. They sell belts everywhere last time I checked.

The Least Beautiful thing in North Carolina: Hillbillies
Oh work... why must you exist. I was having so much fun observing the society we so commonly refer to as redneck. Get er' done.... I still don't really know what that means.

*Sigh* Leaving Charlotte
I was grateful that I packed more than I needed, since when I got to the airport on Sunday they informed me that since my flight was late, I would be unable to make my connecting flight to New Orleans in time. That being said, I had to wait to leave until Monday morning. The most annoying part was trying to track down my luggage. After much drama and one day later than scheduled, I got back into an airport security line. The TSA lady yelled at me and I didn't do anything wrong. That made me sad... I got some Starbucks hot chocolate to make me feel better... 10 feet out the door I dropped it... that made me sadder... I went back and got some more... then tasted it... and that made me even more sad. It tasted horrible. So in a last attempt to make me feel better... I bought some souviners... I think that might have worked.

Landing in Houston: Part II
Back on the train. Bought some more souvineers. This time I used my Donut Yoke 2000 on the plane and took a nap.

Pretty Blue Skies
Sorry there are so many details I have left out... but even now it seems like all one big blob of information. I had a great time and wouldn't hesitate to go back :)
How Sweet
someone is thinking of you
someone cares about you.
someone misses you
someone wants to hold your hand.
someone wants you to be happy.
someone wants to hug you.
someone will do anything for you.
someone needs to know your love is unconditional.
someone wants to tell you how much they care.
someone wants to stay up watching movies w/ you.
someone wants to hold you in their arms.
someone wants to see you.
someone wants to be your lover.
someone loves you for who you are.
someone loves the way you make them feel.
someone wants to be with you.
someone wants you to know they are there for you.
someone is glad that you're their friend.
someone is wishing you would notice them.
someone wants to get to know you better.
someone loves you.
someone cares about you.
someone misses you
someone wants to hold your hand.
someone wants you to be happy.
someone wants to hug you.
someone will do anything for you.
someone needs to know your love is unconditional.
someone wants to tell you how much they care.
someone wants to stay up watching movies w/ you.
someone wants to hold you in their arms.
someone wants to see you.
someone wants to be your lover.
someone loves you for who you are.
someone loves the way you make them feel.
someone wants to be with you.
someone wants you to know they are there for you.
someone is glad that you're their friend.
someone is wishing you would notice them.
someone wants to get to know you better.
someone loves you.
Adding Up Life
What Makes 100%? What does it mean to give MORE than 100%? Ever wonder about those people who say they are giving more than 100%? We have all been to those meetings where someone wants you to give over 100%. How about achieving 103%? What makes up 100% in life?
Here's a little mathematical formula that might help you answer these questions:
is represented as:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26.
8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98%
11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96%
1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100%
2+21+12+12+19+8+9+20 = 103%
1+19+19+11+9+19+19+9+14+7 = 118%
So, one can conclude with mathematical certainty that shile Hard Work and Knowledge will get you close, and Attitude will get you there, it's the Bullshit and Ass Kissing that will put you over the top.
Here's a little mathematical formula that might help you answer these questions:
is represented as:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26.
8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98%
11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96%
1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100%
2+21+12+12+19+8+9+20 = 103%
1+19+19+11+9+19+19+9+14+7 = 118%
So, one can conclude with mathematical certainty that shile Hard Work and Knowledge will get you close, and Attitude will get you there, it's the Bullshit and Ass Kissing that will put you over the top.
Old Age
Want to estimate your life-span...
According to my results my life-expectancy is 91. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. I'll just get shorter and shorter until I dissapear... maybe I'll dissapear before I get THAT old.
According to my results my life-expectancy is 91. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. I'll just get shorter and shorter until I dissapear... maybe I'll dissapear before I get THAT old.
So Sad
Today I realized just how poor I am, yet somehow survived as a full time student.
So even with two jobs my grand total earned income for last year... 5,444.00
So even with two jobs my grand total earned income for last year... 5,444.00
What Your Man Likes to Watch You Do just did a survey about what men like to watch woman do, which beauty ritual does your boyfriend or husband like to watch most? Top eight answers are:
1- Apply body lotion - 37.1%
2- Put on make up - 12.3%
3- Shave - 4.6%
4- Paint toe nails - 3.7%
5- Put on fragrance - 3.6%
6- Blow dry hair - 1.7%
7- Paint finger nails - 1.1 %
8- Watch you get undressed
My observations are as follows:
A. Its a good thing they limited this survey to Beauty Rituals... and not just in general what he likes to watch you do. It could get sick really fast. I know I could definetly think of a few things unmentionable.
B. How is watching someone get undressed a "Beauty Ritual"?
Now completely unrelated... go watch this clip on gun un-safety.
1- Apply body lotion - 37.1%
2- Put on make up - 12.3%
3- Shave - 4.6%
4- Paint toe nails - 3.7%
5- Put on fragrance - 3.6%
6- Blow dry hair - 1.7%
7- Paint finger nails - 1.1 %
8- Watch you get undressed
My observations are as follows:
A. Its a good thing they limited this survey to Beauty Rituals... and not just in general what he likes to watch you do. It could get sick really fast. I know I could definetly think of a few things unmentionable.
B. How is watching someone get undressed a "Beauty Ritual"?
Now completely unrelated... go watch this clip on gun un-safety.
The Most Extreme
So its 4 am and I'm watching "The Most Extreme" on Animal Planet... tonights edition is the most extreme global conquerors. We have bunnies, and cats, and parakeets. Of course we already know what the number one global conqueror is... the cockroach. Everybody knows odd little factoids about cockroaches. They can withstand 200 more times radiation than humans. They can live a without food for months, live off a fingerprint for a month, live without their head for a week or more... but that's not the point of this post.
I found it humorous that the show kept on cutting to odd little factoids about things completely unrelated... for example. Right in the middle of the explaination on how cats were taken all over the world, they cut to the popularity of hola hoops. At the very end, during the middle of the cockroach exploits... they cut to the Rubiks cube...
There is a 16 year old that can solve the Rubiks cube in less than 16 seconds... behind his back. Forget about the cockroaches... now THAT is scarey.
I found it humorous that the show kept on cutting to odd little factoids about things completely unrelated... for example. Right in the middle of the explaination on how cats were taken all over the world, they cut to the popularity of hola hoops. At the very end, during the middle of the cockroach exploits... they cut to the Rubiks cube...
There is a 16 year old that can solve the Rubiks cube in less than 16 seconds... behind his back. Forget about the cockroaches... now THAT is scarey.
LSU's Secret Plan
I don't know what the hell type of documents I signed my name to just now. You never know what you're going to be doing when you work in an office like mine. I'm probably going to see something on the news tonight along the lines of "LSU declares war in fight for status of Statehood"... because you know that's really what they plan on doing right here in the center of Baton Rouge... become a megapower and eventually try to take over the world. And when it all comes public... yeap... there will be my signature. GREAAAAATTTT *rolls eyes* well at least I made it pretty.
There is a few other documents I made pretty with my signature... my EXIT PAPERS!!! one of the last steps to graduation. Funny thing that I found out today... we pay a fee for our own diploma. Now you would think that of all the things that LSU would offer to pay for it would at least be the piece of paper they give us that officially qualifies us for whatever education we have received. An education we paid for...
There is a few other documents I made pretty with my signature... my EXIT PAPERS!!! one of the last steps to graduation. Funny thing that I found out today... we pay a fee for our own diploma. Now you would think that of all the things that LSU would offer to pay for it would at least be the piece of paper they give us that officially qualifies us for whatever education we have received. An education we paid for...
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