So... I'm sitting here at the LSU System's office where I work... and Ms. Sandra (my supervisor) is sitting at her desk doing her work. The phone rings. I hear Ms. Sandra greet the caller... a few seconds later...
"I'm sorry... you want to know how to keep a pet catepiller?"
Its kind of one of those moments where you kinda do that whole... "did I just really hear that?" thing. Indeed the caller was inquiring on how to maintain a pet catepillar.
Campus information is notorious for directing random calls to our office for no apparent reason... and this is by far the weirdest call we've gotten in recent times, especially since the obvious department would be the vet school for such an inquiry.
Regardless, there is someone weirder than myself and I take comfort in the fact that my dreams of a color-changing pony and a pet otter are not the strangest out there.
We're SOOO Happy
After reading this article online I had to post it. Its the results of a study in which you'll find very shocking results. BATON ROUGE is the 5th Happiest City in the nation. Shockingly enough, SHREVEPORT, comes in at number 14. But I guess it's not sooooooo surprising though when you have a city with people like me in it. I get excited over a new toothbrush.
Now TEXAS... apparently has a LOT of people who get excited over new toothbrushes because three of it's cities placed in the top four. Most of the cities in the Most Depressed list are not surprising... I mean... who can really be excited about living in
Tampa Florida... with all those gorgeous beaches and stuff. *yes I was being sarcastic* And apparently people in Arizona don't like brushing their teeth because three of their cities tied for 7th place.
Men's Health compiled this list based on antidepressant sales, courtesy of NDC Health; suicide rates, from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC); and the number of days inhabitants reported being depressed, based on the CDC's Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System.
The 20 Happiest Cities
1. Laredo, TX: A+
2. El Paso, TX: A+
3. Jersey City, NJ: A+
4. Corpus Christi, TX: A+
5. Baton Rouge, LA: A
6. Honolulu, HI: A-
7. Fresno, CA: A-
8. San Jose, CA: A-
9. Lincoln, NE: B+
10. Bakersfield, CA: B+
11. Buffalo, NY: B+
12. Anchorage, AK: B+
13. Stockton, CA: B+
14. Shreveport, LA: B+
15. (3-way tie) Madison, WI: B, Montgomery, AL: B, and Des Moines, IA: B
18. Wichita, KS: B
19. (tie) Sacramento, CA: B and Omaha, NE: B
The 20 Most Depressed Cities
1. Philadelphia, PA: F
2. Detroit, MI: F
3. St. Petersburg, FL: F
4. St. Louis, MO: F
5. Tampa, FL: F
6. Indianapolis, IN: F
7. (3-way tie) Mesa, AZ: F, Phoenix, AZ: F, and Scottsdale, AZ: F
10. Cleveland, OH: F
11. New York, NY: D-
12. Salt Lake City, UT: D-
13. Atlanta, GA: D
14. (3-way tie) Yonkers, NY: D, Pittsburgh, PA: D, and Kansas City, MO: D
17. (3-way tie) Long Beach, CA: D, Los Angeles, CA: D, Nashville, TN" D
20. Portland, OR: D
Now TEXAS... apparently has a LOT of people who get excited over new toothbrushes because three of it's cities placed in the top four. Most of the cities in the Most Depressed list are not surprising... I mean... who can really be excited about living in
Tampa Florida... with all those gorgeous beaches and stuff. *yes I was being sarcastic* And apparently people in Arizona don't like brushing their teeth because three of their cities tied for 7th place.
Men's Health compiled this list based on antidepressant sales, courtesy of NDC Health; suicide rates, from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC); and the number of days inhabitants reported being depressed, based on the CDC's Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System.
The 20 Happiest Cities
1. Laredo, TX: A+
2. El Paso, TX: A+
3. Jersey City, NJ: A+
4. Corpus Christi, TX: A+
5. Baton Rouge, LA: A
6. Honolulu, HI: A-
7. Fresno, CA: A-
8. San Jose, CA: A-
9. Lincoln, NE: B+
10. Bakersfield, CA: B+
11. Buffalo, NY: B+
12. Anchorage, AK: B+
13. Stockton, CA: B+
14. Shreveport, LA: B+
15. (3-way tie) Madison, WI: B, Montgomery, AL: B, and Des Moines, IA: B
18. Wichita, KS: B
19. (tie) Sacramento, CA: B and Omaha, NE: B
The 20 Most Depressed Cities
1. Philadelphia, PA: F
2. Detroit, MI: F
3. St. Petersburg, FL: F
4. St. Louis, MO: F
5. Tampa, FL: F
6. Indianapolis, IN: F
7. (3-way tie) Mesa, AZ: F, Phoenix, AZ: F, and Scottsdale, AZ: F
10. Cleveland, OH: F
11. New York, NY: D-
12. Salt Lake City, UT: D-
13. Atlanta, GA: D
14. (3-way tie) Yonkers, NY: D, Pittsburgh, PA: D, and Kansas City, MO: D
17. (3-way tie) Long Beach, CA: D, Los Angeles, CA: D, Nashville, TN" D
20. Portland, OR: D
Rant - Old People Driving
Man Passes Drivers Test on 272nd Attempt
SEOUL, South Korea - The motto for one would-be South Korean driver likely is “if at first you don’t succeed, then try, try again another 271 times." Seo Sang-moon passed the academic part of his driver’s license examination on his 272nd attempt earlier this week.
The repairman, from a small town in the southeastern part of the county who will soon turn 70, said he was illiterate and used the test process to teach himself the rules of the road because he could not read them in a manual. Since the oral exam was launched, Seo took the test as often as he could, paying about $1,000 in fees along the way. Each failure taught him a little more, and after 271 attempts, he was able to get the minimum score needed to pass the academic test.
Test officials were thrilled to see Seo pass. “He has been coming here for more than five years and we regard him almost as being one of the family,” an official from the exam office said by telephone.
Seo said he was preparing for his road test, and was discussing with his wife what kind of car to buy once he get his license. “Driving seems a bit hard. But after trying 271 times to pass the oral exam, what do I have to be afraid of?” Seo said.
... what does HE have to be afraid of... the real question is what does the rest of South Korea have to be afraid of?!? Well let me answer that for ya... people like HIM!!! If you do the math, this guy took the drivers exam about 4 times every year he was alive!
First of all... elderly people shouldn't be driving in the first place. Secondly, if you can't read, then you shouldn't be allowed to drive anyways... because I'm sure they have road signs that are WORDS that have to be READ to understand. This is not a world where comprehension is based purely on looking at pictures. If you can't read not only should you not be allowed to operate a motor-vehicle, you should be teleported back to the dark ages... back when the only way people understood the Bible was because they had a billion paintings explaining things... and the church had complete control over their peasants for that reason.
SEOUL, South Korea - The motto for one would-be South Korean driver likely is “if at first you don’t succeed, then try, try again another 271 times." Seo Sang-moon passed the academic part of his driver’s license examination on his 272nd attempt earlier this week.
The repairman, from a small town in the southeastern part of the county who will soon turn 70, said he was illiterate and used the test process to teach himself the rules of the road because he could not read them in a manual. Since the oral exam was launched, Seo took the test as often as he could, paying about $1,000 in fees along the way. Each failure taught him a little more, and after 271 attempts, he was able to get the minimum score needed to pass the academic test.
Test officials were thrilled to see Seo pass. “He has been coming here for more than five years and we regard him almost as being one of the family,” an official from the exam office said by telephone.
Seo said he was preparing for his road test, and was discussing with his wife what kind of car to buy once he get his license. “Driving seems a bit hard. But after trying 271 times to pass the oral exam, what do I have to be afraid of?” Seo said.
... what does HE have to be afraid of... the real question is what does the rest of South Korea have to be afraid of?!? Well let me answer that for ya... people like HIM!!! If you do the math, this guy took the drivers exam about 4 times every year he was alive!
First of all... elderly people shouldn't be driving in the first place. Secondly, if you can't read, then you shouldn't be allowed to drive anyways... because I'm sure they have road signs that are WORDS that have to be READ to understand. This is not a world where comprehension is based purely on looking at pictures. If you can't read not only should you not be allowed to operate a motor-vehicle, you should be teleported back to the dark ages... back when the only way people understood the Bible was because they had a billion paintings explaining things... and the church had complete control over their peasants for that reason.
Spaz Juice
I get to work today and I see this sign on my desk...

My boss picked that up for me in New Orleans without even knowing that I have an obsession with the psychotic little Happy Bunny... isn't that neat?!?
Well anyways, so I took a picture with my phone (still have the old one)... and sent it to Chad to show him my latest desk addition... and ironically his coworker is standing this with this drink in his hand... and suddenly it all becomes apparent to me...


My boss picked that up for me in New Orleans without even knowing that I have an obsession with the psychotic little Happy Bunny... isn't that neat?!?
Well anyways, so I took a picture with my phone (still have the old one)... and sent it to Chad to show him my latest desk addition... and ironically his coworker is standing this with this drink in his hand... and suddenly it all becomes apparent to me...

I'm gettin a new phone *does a little dance*... I'm getting a new phone *wiggles her butt all happily*

After fighting with my slowly degrading beloved Sony Ericsson T616, I've decided to upgrade to the glamourous Nokia 6230. It's a plain jane candy bar style phone that's really anything but plain jane. This little phone has everything... all the standard options, text messaging blah blah blah... it can make phone calls which is always something a phone should be able to do. It has bluetooth, the camera for stills and video (which after checking out sample images... end up turning out very nice), a radio and MP3 player... and of course all the other things like web browsing, email, etc. that I know I will rarely use.
My order is being processed as we speak... *drools* I'm such a big tech geek.
So no new posts after two weeks and THIS is the best I can come up with... that is correct. Sorry guys... I've been really lame lately.

After fighting with my slowly degrading beloved Sony Ericsson T616, I've decided to upgrade to the glamourous Nokia 6230. It's a plain jane candy bar style phone that's really anything but plain jane. This little phone has everything... all the standard options, text messaging blah blah blah... it can make phone calls which is always something a phone should be able to do. It has bluetooth, the camera for stills and video (which after checking out sample images... end up turning out very nice), a radio and MP3 player... and of course all the other things like web browsing, email, etc. that I know I will rarely use.
My order is being processed as we speak... *drools* I'm such a big tech geek.
So no new posts after two weeks and THIS is the best I can come up with... that is correct. Sorry guys... I've been really lame lately.
It's Official
I have been sick for exactly half of the entire year thus far. January I was fine but then I was sick from February 1st to March 1st. Then again for the last half of March, and now I'm sick with the flu (again). When will it ever stop?!?
Night in Hell
aka South Baton Rouge
ThursDAY was great... Thursday night... completely different story. Let me start my story with being honest, I was PMSing. Which means, I might have bitten off a few heads, become ultra-sensative, at strange combinatios of food... any number of things. So when I found myself at a south Baton Rouge gas station, locked out my car at 9 oclock at night standing in the rain with nothing but a little bit of change in my hand, lets just say... I almost lost it.
Everything was in my car, including my wallet and cell phone. The gas station attendants refused to let me use the store phone to call for help. I don't go to south Baton Rouge too often so since I did not really know my exact location, its not like I could have called my parents and given them directions to where I was. I got the number for my insurance company's roadside assistance off the little sticker I had stuck to my glass (thank God I had remembered to do that). Still, that left me standing in the rain on a payphone on the dark side of the gas station.
So I called them, used the number on the payphone to help them find where I was, and the guy (who was extremely kind) tried his best to locate an un-locking service for me. While, I'm on hold, I streeeetch over to another phone to call Chad and my parents... the phone keeps on eating my money.... *grrr* After about 30 minutes on the phone and constantly getting harrassed the entire time by cocky arrogant south baton rouge frat boys who probably have to buy hummers because they are compensating, he was unable to get me anyone who could come to help me within a reasonable amount of time and at this point... I'm on the verge of tears. So he gives me the option of calling the local sherrif's office for help, and I'm getting really uncomfortable being all by myself in the rain/dark so I decide to go ahead and do that... so he puts me on hold again and gives them a call and then transfers me over...
Lets just say... I don't hold the Sherrif's office in the highest esteem... and dealing with them that night didn't help my opinion at all. My insurance guy explains my situation to the officer in full, and he shoots back with "Well why haven't ya'll called Pop-a-Lock?" and my insurance guy tries his best to explain that we already did that and I feel that I am in danger and need immediate assistance. So the officer, seemingly understands, and gets my information. Estimated time of arrival is 15 to 20 minutes.
Over an hour later, and after watching 4 Sherrif's deputies drive by, I finally convince the gas station attendant to please let me use the store phone to call them back. I think I must have gotten the same guy and although he already knew who I was... he couldn't give me a straight answer and then he asked the same dumb question... why haven't I called Pop-a-Lock. I was just like... "No... we TRIED that remember... that's why we called YOU!" and he was like... "oh well, we requested an un-locking service to come out we have someone on the way" and I was just like... "well then, what's the deal? Do you REALLY know where I am... because I've watched your guys drive by already several times... apparently a female stranded on a dark street corner late at night isn't too high on your priorities is it?" and he just mumbled a few other things that basically amounted to lame excuses and I went ballistic on the man...
"You know what, nevermind, I'll find help elsewhere." *click*
So even though, I feel better. That still leaves me stranded. So I decide to call back my Roadside assistance. I had to re-explain my situation... another 30 minutes on the phone. The lady after hearing my story, could't believe that I had been treated in such a manner by those who were supposed to be serving and protecting. So she pulled up my information, and called Pop-a-lock. Turns out, they had never been called by the Sherriff's office (which of course, at this point, didn't surprise me)... but since it was now 11:30 at night, they had slowed down enough to get me service within the next half hour.
So the Pop-a-Lock guy FINALLY gets there... and lemme tell ya... he was "real" thrilled to help me out. You would think HE was the one that was soaking wet and cold and terrified or something... because he was obviously the most miserable and discontent person on earth. If there was a person that was less enthusiastic about their job, it would probably be the poopscooper at the zoo.... or maybe that sherriff's officer.
Anyways... I'm sure I should be saying something to make me sound all gratefull like... "hey it could have been worse"... yeah maybe if when the lock got popped my car spontaneously combusted... yeah that would have made a perfect ending to the night.
ThursDAY was great... Thursday night... completely different story. Let me start my story with being honest, I was PMSing. Which means, I might have bitten off a few heads, become ultra-sensative, at strange combinatios of food... any number of things. So when I found myself at a south Baton Rouge gas station, locked out my car at 9 oclock at night standing in the rain with nothing but a little bit of change in my hand, lets just say... I almost lost it.
Everything was in my car, including my wallet and cell phone. The gas station attendants refused to let me use the store phone to call for help. I don't go to south Baton Rouge too often so since I did not really know my exact location, its not like I could have called my parents and given them directions to where I was. I got the number for my insurance company's roadside assistance off the little sticker I had stuck to my glass (thank God I had remembered to do that). Still, that left me standing in the rain on a payphone on the dark side of the gas station.
So I called them, used the number on the payphone to help them find where I was, and the guy (who was extremely kind) tried his best to locate an un-locking service for me. While, I'm on hold, I streeeetch over to another phone to call Chad and my parents... the phone keeps on eating my money.... *grrr* After about 30 minutes on the phone and constantly getting harrassed the entire time by cocky arrogant south baton rouge frat boys who probably have to buy hummers because they are compensating, he was unable to get me anyone who could come to help me within a reasonable amount of time and at this point... I'm on the verge of tears. So he gives me the option of calling the local sherrif's office for help, and I'm getting really uncomfortable being all by myself in the rain/dark so I decide to go ahead and do that... so he puts me on hold again and gives them a call and then transfers me over...
Lets just say... I don't hold the Sherrif's office in the highest esteem... and dealing with them that night didn't help my opinion at all. My insurance guy explains my situation to the officer in full, and he shoots back with "Well why haven't ya'll called Pop-a-Lock?" and my insurance guy tries his best to explain that we already did that and I feel that I am in danger and need immediate assistance. So the officer, seemingly understands, and gets my information. Estimated time of arrival is 15 to 20 minutes.
Over an hour later, and after watching 4 Sherrif's deputies drive by, I finally convince the gas station attendant to please let me use the store phone to call them back. I think I must have gotten the same guy and although he already knew who I was... he couldn't give me a straight answer and then he asked the same dumb question... why haven't I called Pop-a-Lock. I was just like... "No... we TRIED that remember... that's why we called YOU!" and he was like... "oh well, we requested an un-locking service to come out we have someone on the way" and I was just like... "well then, what's the deal? Do you REALLY know where I am... because I've watched your guys drive by already several times... apparently a female stranded on a dark street corner late at night isn't too high on your priorities is it?" and he just mumbled a few other things that basically amounted to lame excuses and I went ballistic on the man...
"You know what, nevermind, I'll find help elsewhere." *click*
So even though, I feel better. That still leaves me stranded. So I decide to call back my Roadside assistance. I had to re-explain my situation... another 30 minutes on the phone. The lady after hearing my story, could't believe that I had been treated in such a manner by those who were supposed to be serving and protecting. So she pulled up my information, and called Pop-a-lock. Turns out, they had never been called by the Sherriff's office (which of course, at this point, didn't surprise me)... but since it was now 11:30 at night, they had slowed down enough to get me service within the next half hour.
So the Pop-a-Lock guy FINALLY gets there... and lemme tell ya... he was "real" thrilled to help me out. You would think HE was the one that was soaking wet and cold and terrified or something... because he was obviously the most miserable and discontent person on earth. If there was a person that was less enthusiastic about their job, it would probably be the poopscooper at the zoo.... or maybe that sherriff's officer.
Anyways... I'm sure I should be saying something to make me sound all gratefull like... "hey it could have been worse"... yeah maybe if when the lock got popped my car spontaneously combusted... yeah that would have made a perfect ending to the night.
Weird News
Man Reclaims Testicle
In February, Amanda Monti, 24, of Birkenhead, England, was sentenced to 30 months in jail for ripping off one of her ex-boyfriend's testicles with her bare hands in a rage over his refusal to have sex. (According to witnesses, Monti briefly hid the testicle in her mouth, but a friend retrieved it and handed it back to the man, saying, "That's yours.")
Wow... I'm actually speechless on this one folks.
Flying Squirrel Wins Reprieve in Canada
TORONTO - Sabrina the flying squirrel has been allowed permanent residency in Canada after a government order to deport her was reversed this week. Amist all the legal battle, how does Sabrina feel about this... her owner says that she's “Oblivious to the whole thing, poor little innocent squirrel.”
Innocent... whoever thinks that squirrels are innocent has another thing coming... they are just spies for the penguins."
Ms. Wheelchair Stands Up, Loses Crown
APPLETON, Wis. - Ms. Wheelchair Wisconsin has been stripped of her title because pageant officials say she can stand — and point to a newspaper picture as proof. Janeal Lee, 30, who has muscular dystrophy, was snapped by The Post-Crescent newspaper standing. Candidates for the crown have to “mostly be seen in the public using their wheelchairs or scooters, otherwise you’ve got women who are in their wheelchairs all the time and they get offended if they see someone standing up. We can’t have title holders out there walking when they’re seen in the public.”
Well... that'll teach her to... be all miraculously healed and stuff
Woman Walking Dog has Poop Bag Snatched
SAN DIEGO - The hunt is on for a different kind of burglar. Police in San Diego are searching for a gunman who swiped a bag of poop from a woman out walking her dog, Misty. The woman told police that she was out walking her dog, Misty, on Monday night when a man in his 20s ran up behind her and grabbed the bag she was holding. When the gunman discovered what was in it, he threw it down in disgust, pointed his gun at the 32-year-old woman and demanded money. He then aimed his .22-caliber semiautomatic at Mist, who was later found guilty of pooping, and pulled the trigger twice but the gun didn't fire, so he fled the scene.
Overwhelming evidence was found in the bag and Misty was later found guilty of Public Pooping and sentenced to 30 dog years in the state pound.
In February, Amanda Monti, 24, of Birkenhead, England, was sentenced to 30 months in jail for ripping off one of her ex-boyfriend's testicles with her bare hands in a rage over his refusal to have sex. (According to witnesses, Monti briefly hid the testicle in her mouth, but a friend retrieved it and handed it back to the man, saying, "That's yours.")
Wow... I'm actually speechless on this one folks.
Flying Squirrel Wins Reprieve in Canada
TORONTO - Sabrina the flying squirrel has been allowed permanent residency in Canada after a government order to deport her was reversed this week. Amist all the legal battle, how does Sabrina feel about this... her owner says that she's “Oblivious to the whole thing, poor little innocent squirrel.”
Innocent... whoever thinks that squirrels are innocent has another thing coming... they are just spies for the penguins."
Ms. Wheelchair Stands Up, Loses Crown
APPLETON, Wis. - Ms. Wheelchair Wisconsin has been stripped of her title because pageant officials say she can stand — and point to a newspaper picture as proof. Janeal Lee, 30, who has muscular dystrophy, was snapped by The Post-Crescent newspaper standing. Candidates for the crown have to “mostly be seen in the public using their wheelchairs or scooters, otherwise you’ve got women who are in their wheelchairs all the time and they get offended if they see someone standing up. We can’t have title holders out there walking when they’re seen in the public.”
Well... that'll teach her to... be all miraculously healed and stuff
Woman Walking Dog has Poop Bag Snatched
SAN DIEGO - The hunt is on for a different kind of burglar. Police in San Diego are searching for a gunman who swiped a bag of poop from a woman out walking her dog, Misty. The woman told police that she was out walking her dog, Misty, on Monday night when a man in his 20s ran up behind her and grabbed the bag she was holding. When the gunman discovered what was in it, he threw it down in disgust, pointed his gun at the 32-year-old woman and demanded money. He then aimed his .22-caliber semiautomatic at Mist, who was later found guilty of pooping, and pulled the trigger twice but the gun didn't fire, so he fled the scene.
Overwhelming evidence was found in the bag and Misty was later found guilty of Public Pooping and sentenced to 30 dog years in the state pound.
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