
The One Where Nothing Makes Sense... But It Still Does

Last night I was working at a fast food place, my roll was more corporate but disaster struck (someone placed an order in drive-thru) and I was asked to make two hot dogs. I hate hot dogs. I don't know how to dress them. So they sat there ominously on the buns while I had a meltdown and eventually quit. Then I traveled all over a fictitious world with Joseph Simon in search of the perfect Taco Bell. We were hungry so instead of going to the new location across the bridge, we decided to try the downtown one. We chose poorly. Because there was no Taco Bell downtown, just a dilapidated city center with a broken fountain. Then I went to Church with Debbie Coleman and Shaq was there. As the sermon started a scanner robot burst into the room and scanned us. It happened so fast nobody knew what was happening. Then a bomb went off and most people were instantly vaporized. I survived but sadly realized that my husband was part of an evil scheme to kill people and then make money by selling their loved ones 3-D prints of their faces, hence the scanner and then the vaporizing bomb. That's actually kinda brilliant. Create the demand and then meet the demand. Anywho, I escaped the henchmen that were killing survivors by turning into a bird and flying through a broken window but DRAT, they were prepared for that. There was a net over the whole city. So I flew to the tallest tree to hide but they sent the MUTOs after me (the creatures in 2014 Godzilla that Godzilla battled). The MUTOs tore a hole in the net and myself and Shaq the pterodactyl were flying to freedom when the recycling truck drove by my house with their squeaky truck and woke me up.

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