Here are all my quiz results... figured I'd put them all in one post
to keep things nice and neat... enjoy learning about how "special" I am.
Which Happy Bunny Am I?

You are the "cute but psycho" happy bunny.
You are adorable, but a little out there.
Which Happy Bunny are you?
What Type of Woman Am I?

You are a goddess!
What Type of Woman are You?
What Piercing is Best for Me?

You are kind of unique but once in a while
you feel like you need to follow the crowd.
You are a bit of a spunky, hyper tomboy
and you are probably well known and well liked,
but you don't let yourself become too popular.
You hate how they act so preppy and cute.
What Piercing Is Best For You?
What Sign of Affection Am I?

You like to be close to your special someone
and feel warm, comfortable, and needed.
What Sign of Affection Are You?
What Famous Leader Am I?
What's My Sexual Image?

Shy and Sweet.
Guys love the fact that you seem so perfect.
You do exactly what they want and you
seem to be so clueless about it.
What's your sexual image?
What am I Addicted to?

You're addicted to..... Nothing!
Your addicted to nothing at all? Well.....
I guess thats a good thing but come on
just think of the possibilities!
What are you addicted to?
What Kind of Girlfriend Am I?

-Perfect - You're the perfect girlfriend.
Which means you're rare or that you cheated :P
You're the kind of chick that can hang out with
your boyfriend's friends and be silly. You don't
care about presents or about going to fancy places.
You're just happy being around your boyfriend.
What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?
Which Dysfunctional Care Bear Am I?

Which Dysfunctional Care Bear Are You?
Which Greek God Am I?

Which Greek God Are You?
What Kind of Tale do I have?

You have a dog tail! Expressive, you wear your heart
on your sleeve and everyone knows your every thought.
A bad poker player, you can't hide your feelings
but everyone loves your expressive nature.
What kind of a tail do you have?
What is My Sex Appeal?

What's your sexual appeal?
What Color is My Heart?
Your Heart is Red.
What Color is Your Heart?
What kind of Whore am I?

CONTROLLING WHORE... yea you like to have
total control over everything....
What kind of Whore are you?
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