Saw this on my friends, TrixyKitty, LiveJournal and thought it was pretty insightful. I'll have to acquire a Brownie Batter Blizzard from Dairy Queen to appease her... especially since they are sooooo good *wink*
I AM: odd
I WANT: a rebuilt red 1968 Mustang... or the batmobile
I HAVE: a monkey in the trunk of my car
I WISH: everyone could adopt a koala
I HATE: ignorance
I MISS: painting
I FEAR: being alone
I HEAR: rain falling on the tin roof
I SEARCH: for answers
I WONDER: why God choose to make me like this
I REGRET: not telling my family I love them more
I LOVE: warm fuzzy feelings
I FORGIVE: before the sun sets
I ACHE: for peace within
I ALWAYS: try to smile
I TRY: to not be a workaholic
I AM NOT: perfect
I SEEM: to have confidence
I KNOW: someone loves me
I FEEL: like random objects
I DANCE: when no one's watching
I DREAM: that I can fly
I GIVE: all my heart
I LISTEN: for the quiet moments
I SING: into the microphone (or hairbrush)
I LAUGH: at myself (a lot)
I CAN'T: hide my feelings
I WRITE: when I can't say what I'm feeling
I CRY: in my pillows
I SLEEP: anytime, anywhere
I AM NOT ALWAYS: optimistic
I SEE: what most others can not
I LOSE: the pencil I just set down
I CONFUSE: everyone
I NEED: a hug
I SHOULD: get out more
1. the next step in life
2. my parents getting older
3. BUGS!!!!
4. ordering pizzas
1. Chad
2. Steven
3. Mike (Adam)
1. Art
2. Laughing
3. Fuzzy Blankets
1. Louisiana
2. Bad Grammar
3. Self-absorbed People
1. Bubbles
2. My pet Walnut
3. Magic 8 Ball Collection
1. Watching Office Space
2. Being attacked by munchkins
3. Twirling in my chair
1. Take over the world
2. Breast Reduction and Leg Extensions
3. Own a private Island, a house with
a marble chinese staircase, a bumper car ring,
which is right next to the otter exhibit.
1. seem so intelligent and so clueless at the same time
2. get away with anything
1. generous
2. compassionate
3. pushover
1. play poker
2. armwrestle
3. make everyone happy
1. I Love You
2. LSU System, this is Cynthia, how may I help you?
3. well squeakity squeak squeak
1. Macaroni and Cheese
2. Brownies
3. Fruit Loops
1. How to cook (good)
2. How to dance (also preferably good)
3. What really came first... the chicken or the egg?
and other mysteries of the universe
1. Water
2. Dr. Pepper
3. Fruity alcoholic beverages
1. Animaniacs
2. My Little Pony
3. Transformers
Article - 10 Secrets Your Handwriting Might Reveal
Ever wonder what your handwriting says about you?
A lot, a graphologist would say--and chances are,
not all of it would be pretty. To give you a taste of the
messages you may be sending every time you write
a note, we've put together a list of ten handwriting secrets
in the graphologist's sack. Be warned, though: Graphology
is too complex to be boiled down into universal nuggets.
So, take these with a grain of salt (and don't break out your
prison flip-flops just yet).
1. Are your Us and Ws rounded on their bottoms?
You're sensitive and maybe poetic.
2. Do you cross your Ts in the middle or at the top?
The lower you cross your T, the less ambition you have.
3. Do you loop your Cs at the top?
Then, to quote Carly Simon, you're so vain.
4. Are your As and Os tightly closed?
Perhaps you're hiding something.
5. Do your letters slant every which way?
If so, then yikes. Only 10 percent of the general population
has a wobbly slant--compared with 70 to 80 percent
of convicted felons.
6. Do you have the "felon's claw"?
It's another hallmark of the criminal, and it occurs when you
bring a letter straight down, then attach a claw-shaped curve
to its end--say when you're writing the lowercase y.
7. Is your signature different from your regular handwriting?
Then perhaps you're putting on an act.
8. Do the connecting swoops between your letters droop?
Maybe you have a martyr complex, and are carrying the
weight of the world on your shoulders.
9. Is your handwriting spiky and angular?
Relax. There's no need to be so tense.
10. Are your letters a bit squatty?
If they're biggest in the middle zone, and don't extend much
up or below the baseline, then you're perhaps a bit childish.
The Disney logo, based on Walt Disney's handwriting, is a
good example of this.
A lot, a graphologist would say--and chances are,
not all of it would be pretty. To give you a taste of the
messages you may be sending every time you write
a note, we've put together a list of ten handwriting secrets
in the graphologist's sack. Be warned, though: Graphology
is too complex to be boiled down into universal nuggets.
So, take these with a grain of salt (and don't break out your
prison flip-flops just yet).
1. Are your Us and Ws rounded on their bottoms?
You're sensitive and maybe poetic.
2. Do you cross your Ts in the middle or at the top?
The lower you cross your T, the less ambition you have.
3. Do you loop your Cs at the top?
Then, to quote Carly Simon, you're so vain.
4. Are your As and Os tightly closed?
Perhaps you're hiding something.
5. Do your letters slant every which way?
If so, then yikes. Only 10 percent of the general population
has a wobbly slant--compared with 70 to 80 percent
of convicted felons.
6. Do you have the "felon's claw"?
It's another hallmark of the criminal, and it occurs when you
bring a letter straight down, then attach a claw-shaped curve
to its end--say when you're writing the lowercase y.
7. Is your signature different from your regular handwriting?
Then perhaps you're putting on an act.
8. Do the connecting swoops between your letters droop?
Maybe you have a martyr complex, and are carrying the
weight of the world on your shoulders.
9. Is your handwriting spiky and angular?
Relax. There's no need to be so tense.
10. Are your letters a bit squatty?
If they're biggest in the middle zone, and don't extend much
up or below the baseline, then you're perhaps a bit childish.
The Disney logo, based on Walt Disney's handwriting, is a
good example of this.
Pie in the Face
... and a honking clown nose.
That's right... some lucky person has agreed to let me
pie him in an effort to cheer me up over recent events.
The agreement goes as follows: The pie of my choosing
as long as I am wearing a honking clown nose at the
time of the pieing. I am consumed with a whirlwind of
possibilites... lemon meringe or chocolate icebox... both
have that precious cool whip on top that I would assume
making recieving a pie in the face an actual pleasant
Now what events have recently occurred that requires
the assistance of Mary Lee to cheer me up. Well... without
going into too much detail... to put it simply... I
unintentionally played God with someone's heart and hurt
them. They opened up to me and I used the situation and
now I've lost a friendship that I will probably never be
able to get back. If you know anything about me, my
relationships are the single most important thing in my
life. I can honestly say this is one of the stupidest thing
things I've ever done and I can't even explain how it all
happened. I'm sure the combination of PMSing, being
heavily medicated and in pain, and being stressed didn't
help my decision making capabilites. I know the situation
isn't entirely my doing... I was after all... going on my
own merry little way when this person walked into my life
and it does take two for anything... and by that I mean
Moreso what hurts is that it seems as if this person isn't
going to give it a second chance. Being a person that
always forgives others (even though sometimes it is hard)
I can't understand why this person won't even talk to me.
Its important to me to never let the sun set on anger.
That's something I've always believed.
Maybe someday this rollercoaster of confusion I'm on will
end... but more than likely it won't. Lately it feels to me
that I've been acting like someone I'm not... and I'm sorry
for that. I'm even more sorry that I've hurt you.
That's right... some lucky person has agreed to let me
pie him in an effort to cheer me up over recent events.
The agreement goes as follows: The pie of my choosing
as long as I am wearing a honking clown nose at the
time of the pieing. I am consumed with a whirlwind of
possibilites... lemon meringe or chocolate icebox... both
have that precious cool whip on top that I would assume
making recieving a pie in the face an actual pleasant
Now what events have recently occurred that requires
the assistance of Mary Lee to cheer me up. Well... without
going into too much detail... to put it simply... I
unintentionally played God with someone's heart and hurt
them. They opened up to me and I used the situation and
now I've lost a friendship that I will probably never be
able to get back. If you know anything about me, my
relationships are the single most important thing in my
life. I can honestly say this is one of the stupidest thing
things I've ever done and I can't even explain how it all
happened. I'm sure the combination of PMSing, being
heavily medicated and in pain, and being stressed didn't
help my decision making capabilites. I know the situation
isn't entirely my doing... I was after all... going on my
own merry little way when this person walked into my life
and it does take two for anything... and by that I mean
Moreso what hurts is that it seems as if this person isn't
going to give it a second chance. Being a person that
always forgives others (even though sometimes it is hard)
I can't understand why this person won't even talk to me.
Its important to me to never let the sun set on anger.
That's something I've always believed.
Maybe someday this rollercoaster of confusion I'm on will
end... but more than likely it won't. Lately it feels to me
that I've been acting like someone I'm not... and I'm sorry
for that. I'm even more sorry that I've hurt you.
Tickle - Fortune
You're likely to find fame and fortune in the Social World
You're a natural bridge to any number of situations.
Whether introducing one group of friends to another,
or finding a way to get through to someone others
have written off, you've got an exceptional knack for
really connecting with ideas, concepts, and people.
Some might be attracted to your fun-loving charisma,
others might prefer your thoughtfulness, and still
others might find a champion in the way you fight for
the underdog. Regardless, one thing is clear, you're a
people person. So put it to use!
With your skills, you're most likely to find fame and
fortune in a joint pursuit with others. If you love the
challenge of getting 100 people to show up for a party,
maybe event planning is something you should look
into. If you prefer to talk the talk and generate buzz,
maybe public relations is more up your alley. But if you
have your own ideas, you just might want to start an
outdoor adventure school for troubled kids or an
international exchange program for families. Just
remember: Your options are limitless.
So get out there! The world is waiting for the next reality
show host, or gossip columnist, or family therapist, or
motivational speaker, or...
What's Your Savings Style?
Your savings style is on the Right Path
You're on target with your savings style. From things
like making savings goals, to keeping your credit in
good shape, to comparison shopping for the best
prices, you know that there are little strategies out
there that can have a large impact on your bottom line.
We're not necessarily saying you're perfect — I mean
anyone can fall prey to large impulse buys from time
to time. It's just that people with your savings style
know that if you overspend in one area, you should
underspend in another. Balancing and setting your
budget is just a numbers game. And as along as you
understand the implications of spend vs. save, you're
in pretty good shape. So whether you're setting your
financial goals for next month, next year, or for your
retirement, you're on your way to making a great
statement with your savings style.
You're a natural bridge to any number of situations.
Whether introducing one group of friends to another,
or finding a way to get through to someone others
have written off, you've got an exceptional knack for
really connecting with ideas, concepts, and people.
Some might be attracted to your fun-loving charisma,
others might prefer your thoughtfulness, and still
others might find a champion in the way you fight for
the underdog. Regardless, one thing is clear, you're a
people person. So put it to use!
With your skills, you're most likely to find fame and
fortune in a joint pursuit with others. If you love the
challenge of getting 100 people to show up for a party,
maybe event planning is something you should look
into. If you prefer to talk the talk and generate buzz,
maybe public relations is more up your alley. But if you
have your own ideas, you just might want to start an
outdoor adventure school for troubled kids or an
international exchange program for families. Just
remember: Your options are limitless.
So get out there! The world is waiting for the next reality
show host, or gossip columnist, or family therapist, or
motivational speaker, or...
What's Your Savings Style?
Your savings style is on the Right Path
You're on target with your savings style. From things
like making savings goals, to keeping your credit in
good shape, to comparison shopping for the best
prices, you know that there are little strategies out
there that can have a large impact on your bottom line.
We're not necessarily saying you're perfect — I mean
anyone can fall prey to large impulse buys from time
to time. It's just that people with your savings style
know that if you overspend in one area, you should
underspend in another. Balancing and setting your
budget is just a numbers game. And as along as you
understand the implications of spend vs. save, you're
in pretty good shape. So whether you're setting your
financial goals for next month, next year, or for your
retirement, you're on your way to making a great
statement with your savings style.
Tickle - Love I
What Kind of Sexy Are You?
You're Sweet 'n' Sexy
You're not overt about your sexuality, but you're not
purposely hiding it either — two traits that naturally
draw people to you. You possess an understated zest
for life, and a way of approaching the day with a can-do
attitude that draws people to you. As a teenager, were
you maybe a little on the quiet side? Even if you weren't,
it's clear that underneath your occasionally understated
statements, you have an undeniable sweetness that
attracts people who see that special something burning
from within.
Is it the way you carry yourself? That quiet sparkle in
your eye? Those who know you intimately can't wait to
uncover your sweetness. What's hiding behind that
innocent smile? A little devil perhaps? A tattoo in a
seductive spot saved only for your lover? Possibly, but
you're so good, you'll never tell. Or will you?
What's Your Romantic Pattern?
Why You Choose The Partners You Choose
Your romantic pattern is Second Chances
The Second Chances pattern is rooted in nostalgia —
whether you're longing for the ex you haven't seen
in a year, or are reminiscing about the crush you
never connected with 10 years ago.
But, here's the recurring pattern you may see in your
relationships: A longing to recapture someone or
something that can reconnect you to a time in your
life when love was a larger focus.
Whether you do it consciously or not, most people
who migrate towards the Second Chances pattern
either want to revise a past decision, confront
someone they couldn't at the time, or revert back
to a specific point in time.
This romantic pattern is repeated more times than
you could imagine. Take the film "Peggy Sue Got
Married," for instance. In it, a housewife faints at her
high school reunion and wakes up in her senior year
at high school with the chance to change her destiny.
The root of your pattern too, may arise from these
feelings, that you need to reconnect with a time in
your life when love was a larger focus of your life
and responsibilities were much fewer.
But it also might stem from other things as well.
Your romantic pattern may arise out of regret for the
past, or a desire to go back when things were easier.
Did you have a particularly easy, fun adolescence?
Have you recently suffered a loss — perhaps a divorce
or the death of a loved one — that's made you long
for the period before that incident?
Are you acutely aware that decisions carry with them a
strong impact? Do you spend a lot of time analyzing
your decisions, going over things you've said or done
in your mind. Or are you simply sentimental, in love
with old books and classic films, as well as your own
memories? It's no wonder this is such a common
romantic pattern. How many films feature starlets
staring off dreamily into a recollection of days past?
How question books reveal a heroes and heroines
kept apart in the beginning, only to find themselves
together at the end?
Romantic films and books often use this archetypal
pattern of paradise lost and regained to create some
of the greatest love stories of all time. These patterns
are so powerful precisely because they are so easy to
relate to. This historical romantic pattern overpowers
everybody at one point or another. How this tried and
true pattern plays out in individual lives, varies from
person to person.
Which Emoticon Are You?
The emoticon that represents you best
is the Winking Face
Well, hello there (wink, wink). Aren't you quite the flirt?
Maybe you reserve your talents to the online realm
where you can be somewhat anonymous and sly.
Or maybe you're just great at turning on the charm
virtually anywhere — online or off. Why shouldn't you?
Flirting is an art, and when done well, it makes people
feel good. Besides, it's fun and it seems to be something
you're good at. Your clever comments and quick thinking
make you a favorite friend. So, continue batting those
eyelashes, winking that eye, and making others feel like
a million bucks, hot stuff!
You're Sweet 'n' Sexy
You're not overt about your sexuality, but you're not
purposely hiding it either — two traits that naturally
draw people to you. You possess an understated zest
for life, and a way of approaching the day with a can-do
attitude that draws people to you. As a teenager, were
you maybe a little on the quiet side? Even if you weren't,
it's clear that underneath your occasionally understated
statements, you have an undeniable sweetness that
attracts people who see that special something burning
from within.
Is it the way you carry yourself? That quiet sparkle in
your eye? Those who know you intimately can't wait to
uncover your sweetness. What's hiding behind that
innocent smile? A little devil perhaps? A tattoo in a
seductive spot saved only for your lover? Possibly, but
you're so good, you'll never tell. Or will you?
What's Your Romantic Pattern?
Why You Choose The Partners You Choose
Your romantic pattern is Second Chances
The Second Chances pattern is rooted in nostalgia —
whether you're longing for the ex you haven't seen
in a year, or are reminiscing about the crush you
never connected with 10 years ago.
But, here's the recurring pattern you may see in your
relationships: A longing to recapture someone or
something that can reconnect you to a time in your
life when love was a larger focus.
Whether you do it consciously or not, most people
who migrate towards the Second Chances pattern
either want to revise a past decision, confront
someone they couldn't at the time, or revert back
to a specific point in time.
This romantic pattern is repeated more times than
you could imagine. Take the film "Peggy Sue Got
Married," for instance. In it, a housewife faints at her
high school reunion and wakes up in her senior year
at high school with the chance to change her destiny.
The root of your pattern too, may arise from these
feelings, that you need to reconnect with a time in
your life when love was a larger focus of your life
and responsibilities were much fewer.
But it also might stem from other things as well.
Your romantic pattern may arise out of regret for the
past, or a desire to go back when things were easier.
Did you have a particularly easy, fun adolescence?
Have you recently suffered a loss — perhaps a divorce
or the death of a loved one — that's made you long
for the period before that incident?
Are you acutely aware that decisions carry with them a
strong impact? Do you spend a lot of time analyzing
your decisions, going over things you've said or done
in your mind. Or are you simply sentimental, in love
with old books and classic films, as well as your own
memories? It's no wonder this is such a common
romantic pattern. How many films feature starlets
staring off dreamily into a recollection of days past?
How question books reveal a heroes and heroines
kept apart in the beginning, only to find themselves
together at the end?
Romantic films and books often use this archetypal
pattern of paradise lost and regained to create some
of the greatest love stories of all time. These patterns
are so powerful precisely because they are so easy to
relate to. This historical romantic pattern overpowers
everybody at one point or another. How this tried and
true pattern plays out in individual lives, varies from
person to person.
Which Emoticon Are You?
The emoticon that represents you best
is the Winking Face
Well, hello there (wink, wink). Aren't you quite the flirt?
Maybe you reserve your talents to the online realm
where you can be somewhat anonymous and sly.
Or maybe you're just great at turning on the charm
virtually anywhere — online or off. Why shouldn't you?
Flirting is an art, and when done well, it makes people
feel good. Besides, it's fun and it seems to be something
you're good at. Your clever comments and quick thinking
make you a favorite friend. So, continue batting those
eyelashes, winking that eye, and making others feel like
a million bucks, hot stuff!
Tickle - Love II
The Original Inkblot Test
Reveal Your Subconscious Mind
Your subconscious mind is driven most by Love
People who have unconscious minds driven by love
tend to be nurturing types who are good at taking
care of those around them. They may also shy
away from spending too much time alone
Everyone has a desire to love. But your desire is
rooted very deeply in your unconscious and affects
many of the decisions you make in life — whether
you are aware of it or not.
You have an energy about you that inspires people
to experience their true feelings of love and act
kindly towards others. In this way, you and your
drive for loving relationships start a chain reaction
of positive experiences.
The reason you are driven by love, may be because
your unconscious is trying to avoid the opposite of
love — hate. You, more than others, may be afraid
of experiencing severe discord with others. That
may, in turn, heavily influence your choices about
relationships and the way you communicate your
ideas, wants, and desires to others.
With such a strong orientation towards loving
others, your relationships hold a very special place
in your life. Your capacity to love may be greater
than those around you, and therefore you may have
more to give in relationships than your romantic
partner does. Remember that this is a gift you have
and one most others don't possess.
The Sexual Turn On Test
You get equally turned on by physical appearance,
personality, and environment.
People who are equally turned on by a person's
physical appearance, their personality, and
environmental factors appreciate a man in his
entirety — how he looks, what he's like, and the
circumstances the two of you share.
Reveal Your Subconscious Mind
Your subconscious mind is driven most by Love
People who have unconscious minds driven by love
tend to be nurturing types who are good at taking
care of those around them. They may also shy
away from spending too much time alone
Everyone has a desire to love. But your desire is
rooted very deeply in your unconscious and affects
many of the decisions you make in life — whether
you are aware of it or not.
You have an energy about you that inspires people
to experience their true feelings of love and act
kindly towards others. In this way, you and your
drive for loving relationships start a chain reaction
of positive experiences.
The reason you are driven by love, may be because
your unconscious is trying to avoid the opposite of
love — hate. You, more than others, may be afraid
of experiencing severe discord with others. That
may, in turn, heavily influence your choices about
relationships and the way you communicate your
ideas, wants, and desires to others.
With such a strong orientation towards loving
others, your relationships hold a very special place
in your life. Your capacity to love may be greater
than those around you, and therefore you may have
more to give in relationships than your romantic
partner does. Remember that this is a gift you have
and one most others don't possess.
The Sexual Turn On Test
You get equally turned on by physical appearance,
personality, and environment.
People who are equally turned on by a person's
physical appearance, their personality, and
environmental factors appreciate a man in his
entirety — how he looks, what he's like, and the
circumstances the two of you share.
Tickle - Personality
Handwriting Analysis
Your handwriting reveals that you are Balanced
Your writing style reflects that you're an even-tempered
person who fits in with others. Their writing tends to be
fast, clear, and organized because they're stable, even
What Shapes Your Personality?
Your primary personality type is Organized.
Organized types tend to be more focused than most
people. Your organization makes it easy for you to
create structure in your life and come to decisions
in a systematic way. You probably tend to stick with
a decision once you have made it and enjoy knowing
that things are under control. If things are
open-ended in the extreme, you are likely to feel
uncomfortable because you generally gravitate
toward structure and order.
Your handwriting reveals that you are Balanced
Your writing style reflects that you're an even-tempered
person who fits in with others. Their writing tends to be
fast, clear, and organized because they're stable, even
What Shapes Your Personality?
Your primary personality type is Organized.
Organized types tend to be more focused than most
people. Your organization makes it easy for you to
create structure in your life and come to decisions
in a systematic way. You probably tend to stick with
a decision once you have made it and enjoy knowing
that things are under control. If things are
open-ended in the extreme, you are likely to feel
uncomfortable because you generally gravitate
toward structure and order.
Tickle - Brainiac?
BrainTeaser Test
You answered 26 out of 30 questions correctly!
Congratulations! Your score is in the 96th percentile.
When we analyzed your test, we also discovered that
when it comes to linguistic-mathematical ability, you
measure in the 100th percentile. This score indicates
you have unusually strong abilities when it comes to
understanding numerical representation in words or
"word problems." You're highly proficient at translating
words into numbers. This can be very useful when
solving a problem in real life. When people are
discussing a vague problem that needs a specific
solution, you're able to cut through the extraneous
information to a clear answer.
You answered 26 out of 30 questions correctly!
Congratulations! Your score is in the 96th percentile.
When we analyzed your test, we also discovered that
when it comes to linguistic-mathematical ability, you
measure in the 100th percentile. This score indicates
you have unusually strong abilities when it comes to
understanding numerical representation in words or
"word problems." You're highly proficient at translating
words into numbers. This can be very useful when
solving a problem in real life. When people are
discussing a vague problem that needs a specific
solution, you're able to cut through the extraneous
information to a clear answer.
Tickle - Career
What is Your Perfect Job?
Your Right Job will allow you to be Creative and Strategic.
From that, we can tell your inventive personality is in tune with your
emotions. You have a rich imagination that needs room to flourish in
the workplace so it can be appreciated by colleagues, coworkers and
clients. You're a visionary in many people's eyes — able to think
outside of the box to come up with your own solutions.
You're creative not necessarily in the artistic sense, but because you
can expand your mind to do things differently from others. It might
take a while for colleagues to recognize and reward for your spirit
and abilities. That could be because they envy you, or because they
find your ideas slightly rebellious — willing to go against the current.
All in all, you make it hard for people to pigeon hole you.
That is why you, more than others, need a job that allows you
to play to your strengths, break out of the mold, and truly excel.
Career Personality
Similar to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® Instrument
You are an ISFJ
With your openly sensitive attitude, you are a strong team
player and believe the needs of the group come before the
individual. You generally care about the people around you,
which allows you to provide a personal touch at your
workplace. That sense of caring allows you to feel personal
accomplishment and acceptance from your co-workers who
know they can turn to you for help. You are generous with
your time and spirit and look to make the present moment
better for everyone.
Your emotional strength combined with a pragmatic
approach to work makes you a strong asset. You don't like
juggling multiple projects at once and would rather get one
project off your desk at a time. Because of your internal
value system, you don't need false flattery from others.
You have a strong work ethic and inspire others by your
example. Because of this, you are a strong leader on any
team. To you, your work speaks for itself.
The reason employers and recruiters might be on the lookout
for you is that only about 7% of the U.S. population shares
the unique characteristics of your personality type. Research
shows that businesses succeed when employers create a good
balance of personality types in the office. And since only 7% of
the U.S. population shares your type, that means
employers are looking for you.
True Talent Test
Your true talent is mechanical ability
You're curious about how things work and enjoy tinkering
with machines. People like you can be both self-sufficient
and a great help to others. You are much better than most
people at fixing things — whether it's changing a flat tire
or tightening a leaky faucet.
How do we know that's your true talent? While you were
taking the test, we calculated your responses to each test
question and rated your skills in 5 areas.
You scored highest on mechanical ability.
No matter what kind of career you choose, you'll enjoy it
most if it involves working with your hands or seeing the
tangible results of your efforts.
What is Your Perfect Job?
Your Right Job will allow you to be Creative and Strategic.
From that, we can tell your inventive personality is in tune with your
emotions. You have a rich imagination that needs room to flourish in
the workplace so it can be appreciated by colleagues, coworkers and
clients. You're a visionary in many people's eyes — able to think
outside of the box to come up with your own solutions.
You're creative not necessarily in the artistic sense, but because you
can expand your mind to do things differently from others. It might
take a while for colleagues to recognize and reward for your spirit
and abilities. That could be because they envy you, or because they
find your ideas slightly rebellious — willing to go against the current.
All in all, you make it hard for people to pigeon hole you.
That is why you, more than others, need a job that allows you
to play to your strengths, break out of the mold, and truly excel.
Career Personality
Similar to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® Instrument
You are an ISFJ
With your openly sensitive attitude, you are a strong team
player and believe the needs of the group come before the
individual. You generally care about the people around you,
which allows you to provide a personal touch at your
workplace. That sense of caring allows you to feel personal
accomplishment and acceptance from your co-workers who
know they can turn to you for help. You are generous with
your time and spirit and look to make the present moment
better for everyone.
Your emotional strength combined with a pragmatic
approach to work makes you a strong asset. You don't like
juggling multiple projects at once and would rather get one
project off your desk at a time. Because of your internal
value system, you don't need false flattery from others.
You have a strong work ethic and inspire others by your
example. Because of this, you are a strong leader on any
team. To you, your work speaks for itself.
The reason employers and recruiters might be on the lookout
for you is that only about 7% of the U.S. population shares
the unique characteristics of your personality type. Research
shows that businesses succeed when employers create a good
balance of personality types in the office. And since only 7% of
the U.S. population shares your type, that means
employers are looking for you.
True Talent Test
Your true talent is mechanical ability
You're curious about how things work and enjoy tinkering
with machines. People like you can be both self-sufficient
and a great help to others. You are much better than most
people at fixing things — whether it's changing a flat tire
or tightening a leaky faucet.
How do we know that's your true talent? While you were
taking the test, we calculated your responses to each test
question and rated your skills in 5 areas.
You scored highest on mechanical ability.
No matter what kind of career you choose, you'll enjoy it
most if it involves working with your hands or seeing the
tangible results of your efforts.
Cute but Psycho... Things Even Out
Here are all my quiz results... figured I'd put them all in one post
to keep things nice and neat... enjoy learning about how "special" I am.
Which Happy Bunny Am I?

You are the "cute but psycho" happy bunny.
You are adorable, but a little out there.
Which Happy Bunny are you?
What Type of Woman Am I?

You are a goddess!
What Type of Woman are You?
What Piercing is Best for Me?

You are kind of unique but once in a while
you feel like you need to follow the crowd.
You are a bit of a spunky, hyper tomboy
and you are probably well known and well liked,
but you don't let yourself become too popular.
You hate how they act so preppy and cute.
What Piercing Is Best For You?
What Sign of Affection Am I?

You like to be close to your special someone
and feel warm, comfortable, and needed.
What Sign of Affection Are You?
What Famous Leader Am I?
What's My Sexual Image?

Shy and Sweet.
Guys love the fact that you seem so perfect.
You do exactly what they want and you
seem to be so clueless about it.
What's your sexual image?
What am I Addicted to?

You're addicted to..... Nothing!
Your addicted to nothing at all? Well.....
I guess thats a good thing but come on
just think of the possibilities!
What are you addicted to?
What Kind of Girlfriend Am I?

-Perfect - You're the perfect girlfriend.
Which means you're rare or that you cheated :P
You're the kind of chick that can hang out with
your boyfriend's friends and be silly. You don't
care about presents or about going to fancy places.
You're just happy being around your boyfriend.
What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?
Which Dysfunctional Care Bear Am I?

Which Dysfunctional Care Bear Are You?
Which Greek God Am I?

Which Greek God Are You?
What Kind of Tale do I have?

You have a dog tail! Expressive, you wear your heart
on your sleeve and everyone knows your every thought.
A bad poker player, you can't hide your feelings
but everyone loves your expressive nature.
What kind of a tail do you have?
What is My Sex Appeal?
What's your sexual appeal?
What Color is My Heart?

Your Heart is Red.
What Color is Your Heart?
What kind of Whore am I?

CONTROLLING WHORE... yea you like to have
total control over everything....
What kind of Whore are you?
Here are all my quiz results... figured I'd put them all in one post
to keep things nice and neat... enjoy learning about how "special" I am.
Which Happy Bunny Am I?

You are the "cute but psycho" happy bunny.
You are adorable, but a little out there.
Which Happy Bunny are you?
What Type of Woman Am I?

You are a goddess!
What Type of Woman are You?
What Piercing is Best for Me?

You are kind of unique but once in a while
you feel like you need to follow the crowd.
You are a bit of a spunky, hyper tomboy
and you are probably well known and well liked,
but you don't let yourself become too popular.
You hate how they act so preppy and cute.
What Piercing Is Best For You?
What Sign of Affection Am I?

You like to be close to your special someone
and feel warm, comfortable, and needed.
What Sign of Affection Are You?
What Famous Leader Am I?
What's My Sexual Image?

Shy and Sweet.
Guys love the fact that you seem so perfect.
You do exactly what they want and you
seem to be so clueless about it.
What's your sexual image?
What am I Addicted to?

You're addicted to..... Nothing!
Your addicted to nothing at all? Well.....
I guess thats a good thing but come on
just think of the possibilities!
What are you addicted to?
What Kind of Girlfriend Am I?

-Perfect - You're the perfect girlfriend.
Which means you're rare or that you cheated :P
You're the kind of chick that can hang out with
your boyfriend's friends and be silly. You don't
care about presents or about going to fancy places.
You're just happy being around your boyfriend.
What Kind of Girlfriend Are You?
Which Dysfunctional Care Bear Am I?

Which Dysfunctional Care Bear Are You?
Which Greek God Am I?

Which Greek God Are You?
What Kind of Tale do I have?

You have a dog tail! Expressive, you wear your heart
on your sleeve and everyone knows your every thought.
A bad poker player, you can't hide your feelings
but everyone loves your expressive nature.
What kind of a tail do you have?
What is My Sex Appeal?

What's your sexual appeal?
What Color is My Heart?
Your Heart is Red.
What Color is Your Heart?
What kind of Whore am I?

CONTROLLING WHORE... yea you like to have
total control over everything....
What kind of Whore are you?
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