The subject: Can a college student be a good potential pet owner, if they can't even afford anything but a "small adoption fee"? I can understand the plight of the college student, able to afford the daily care of an animal and provide adequately in the event of emergencies; however, not willing to pay an outrageous adoption or breeders fee. The back and forth banter between those for the college student and those in opposition of the college student is inconclusive as there simply isn't enough information about her particular circumstances; however, I'm completely aware that even if she were able to provide, she might not be judged as so and therefore denied.
For those of you who are my friends, you're aware that my family is only 20% human. The rest is composed of 20% dog, 20% cat, 10% turtle and a full 30% ferrito. It's a miniature zoo and quite naturally, we've had a few encounters with the adoption organization world and are unfortunately aware that sometimes good homes are passed on by these agencies. We were one of them. Now, the issue at hand is nonsequential because we have all the animals we could possibly want and provide good care, so to seek further adoption would cause Chad to burst a few blood vessels. Still, I felt the need to weigh in on the topic and let this poor girl know that even if she does get turned down because of presumptions... she would NOT be alone.
Close friends and family are aware of the absurdity we encountered in trying to adopt; however, there are lot of you that are unaware of the events as they go back as far as being a sophmore in college (2001). My post will fill you in on a lot of what we went through. I warn you, if you're ADD (Katy) it's long but it is WORTH IT.
Pet Adoption Organizations are NUTS
After trying to officially adopt an animal for the 3rd time, I've given up trying to do "my part" inhelping area organizations. There's a reason why they're are so overcrowded... because apparently NO ONE IS GOOD ENOUGH to own a pet.
The first time is pretty simple, my then-fiance "boarded" his ferrets with an organization in Livingston parish due to living circumstances. He agreed to "re-adopt" them, including paying all the adoption fees in exchange for the care they were receiving. This was unfortunately, his only option. He was refused re-adoption because ONE door in the entire house had a 1/2 crack at the bottom between the door and the floor. After that was fixed, he re-interviewed and was refused the second time with no reason being given.
We had spent, well a LOT of money on those ferrets and they just kept them. That was real nice.
Now my husband and I own a $150,000 home on a VERY large lot in the country that's COMPLETELY fenced in (with the exact type of fence they require) in a very nice neighborhood. We make good money, he works for Exxon (contractor), I for an engineering company. He was raised on a farm lifestyle, I've had a multitude of animals in my home, all my life (dogs, fish, a bird, to tarantulas, sugar gliders and FINALLY a cat). Quite simply, we know animals.
We each had our own cat prior to buying our home, that were being well taken care of, spoiled if you will. We also had a turtle that was rescued from a crawfish boil the day I graduated from college (within a week of having this turtle I had spent easily over $400 on its care and terrarium). After buying our home, we decided to search for the right dog to adopt. So after a few months of looking, we found one on that was through the adoption agency that's always at PetSmart off of Seigan.
So we went that Saturday and took a look at her. When we started to fill out the questionaire, the lady was also asking us questions. We mentioned being able to let the dog (a husky-mix) run around in our very big yard for as long as she wishes because we have the proper fencing, she snatched our applications out of our hands and refused to talk to us any further. She just said, "THIS dog is NEVER supposed to stay outside." What... like... never ever??? After just standing there kind of confused... wait... so you have this dog that is meant to run, but should never be allowed to?!? How do you have a dog that stays inside %100 of the time... it's impossible. We just walked out, not really sure what had happened. I was devastated and he was just angry.
You have people wanting to pay your outrageous fees and give it a good home... and you say thanks but no thanks. Well, you're just crazy.
Shortly after this, my aunt became unable to take care of her german shepherd in the way she really wanted to and was looking for a home. She was so happy to hear that we were looking for a dog. So in less than a week, we privately adopted her dog. We had her vetted (she had heartworms) and got her settled in to our family. She's beautiful (pure white) and very active, so after having her for about a year... we decided to try and find her a good companion. Why not... we certainly could afford it... so we decide to try to go the adoption route for a dog a second time.
Worst experience EVER!
Once again we looked for about 6 months before we came across a beautiful rescued Husky that was in Lake Charles. So after contacting the organization, filling out and faxing six million forms, we were told this particular husky had some issues with being shy and was being sent up to Hogan's Husky Heros in Tennessee for "therapy". We really wanted the chance to adopt her so we kept in contact until we had a free weekend to actually drive the 3 hours to Lake Charles and see the dog. So we go to see the dog and we LOVE it. My husband LOVES it. We were willing to do whatever we needed to get the dog whatever help it needed. The lady that was helping us in Lake Charles was really nice and willing to help us out but the arrangements had already been made so off to Tennessee the dog goes.
YES WE WERE ACTUALLY WILLING TO DRIVE ALL THE WAY TO TENNESSEE TO PICK UP THIS DOG. And pay the fees, and wait for her "therapy" to be overwith, which we even offered to sponsor. So here we go again, new group, new application... I talk with the lady up there and get all my paperwork in.... and months go by, I try to contact her with NO ANSWER. I call the lady in Lake Charles and she also can't get ahold of the woman in Tennessee. Shortly after talking to her, I also start getting no answer from the woman in Lake Charles. My emails get no response, I'm very frustrated with the lack of communication. It has been over 6 months since we began this whole process (a year total looking for the right dog) and I'm being completely ignored.
Suspicious my calls were being screened, I call the "organization" using a friends phone that has a completely different area code and behold, the woman answers. I caught her so off guard that she just came up with the first lie she could think of... and you could TELL she was lying through her teeth.
She said she let her cat out into the yard and that particular dog killed it, so she wasn't going to allow any home with cats to adopt this dog. WHAT SELF-RESPECTING RESCUE ORGANIZATION just lets their cat out into a yard full of dogs that are in supposed "therapy"? Is that your form of temper testing, let your cat out and see if it comes back alive? FREAK.
Every dog that she's had listed since MARCH of this year is still "available" for adoption, and she never updated the profile of the dog I was looking at with any information, not even to mark it as aggressive towards cats! This is what I would call an accredited animal hoarder. YES, rescue organizations are legally allowed to essentially hoard their animals.
SO THANKS TO CRAIGSLIST we found our second dog to adopt, yes a husky, thanks to someone that's a volunteer with a rescue organization in Denham Springs (No they aren't all crazy, just some of them). This husky was in a neglectful situation, tied up to a tree in a backyard, not vetted, not neutered, not brushed or bathed and not even given adequate food or water (he was about 40 lbs underweight). We were able to take him, no questions asked... and well he's doing GREAT! He does have small animal aggression (but we're not idiots that let our cats run around the neighborhood), this is probably due to him trying to kill stuff to eat because he wasn't being fed. He's reached his proper weight and is socializing well with our shepherd, although she pushes him around a bit to get him to play, now that the weather is getting cooler he's more playful. He is a much happier animal than when he first arrived, he has his confidence back. THEY HAVE THEIR OWN ROOM, complete with air conditioning and heat and can come and go outside as they wish.
A good family, a good home... and we were turned down THREE TIMES by rescue organizations. I'm not saying they're all crazy... but seriously it was pretty rediculous.
It seriously makes good-hearted people that want to do the right thing, want to say, "you know what, no thanks, we'll just give our money to a puppy mill next time."
So... now I just sit back and wait for the slew of hate mail to begin. I was fully armored and prepared for anything to come my way. Instead, nearly 10 other people email me with their own horror stories in trying to adopt. How encouraging it was to know that I'm not the only person to be slighted, and in strange and confusing ways at that. I felt vindicated, even though shortly after the incident I happened to speak with someone with APAWS about the issue and they expressed their sincere regret such an incident had happened. I choose to leave this persons name anonymous for reasons to be explained later in this story.
Enter one Florence T. Robinson. A full 9 days after I've spoken my peace, got it off my chest, I receive the email to begin all email wars.
This guy is either lying through his teeth or he is not telling the whole truth! If three rescue organizations refused to adopt to him, there must have been some really, BIG, RED FLAGS waving!
Florence T. Robinson
Louisiana Alaskan Malamute Protection (LAMP)
Louisiana Sled Dog Rescue (LSDR)
Animal Protection and Welfare Society (APAWS)
Alaskan Malamute Assistance League (AMAL)
First off, after having researching Florence (henceforth referred to as Flo), she's a retired professor of something'or'nother from Southern University. She should know by now how the whole internet thing works and that if you respond to posts that are made in the first person, it's usually the person that made the post you're emailing. There isn't some third party subjecting their will upon me to tell their story. "This guy" would be me... you're welcome to use the appropriate pronouns, Flo. Geeze, I hope you weren't involved in English and worse yet, not trying to teach it to the poor lil' huskies.
You guys know how I am, I couldn't not reply. So, I MUST correct her. Don't worry, I was nice and polite in doing so.
"What guy? All three of these accounts were entirely true and devastating emotionally, no red flags should have been waving at all.
Since posting what has happened to me, I've received over 10 emails from other people that were also refused adoption for what they perceived to be a ridiculous reason, or no reason at all. Now, being somewhat an observant person, a few of these people were denied for obvious reasons such as not having the pets they already own spade, neutered, or properly vetted, or having very very small children and trying to adopt a breed known to be volatile around small children, etc. Such was not the case with myself, I have a detailed medical history with the vet on ALL of my past and current pets, very good references (including the original owner of our first dog), and a documented history of good and proper ownership. Had my references ever been called, or vet history checked, they would have easily seen that we could more than adequately provide.
Having previously adopted animals before, I realize that I simply ran into a few rotten eggs within the rescue organizations. I know that MOST of the people that volunteer or this is their profession make great sacrifices personally and financially for these animals. Shortly afterwards, I spoke with and received an apology from a member of APAWS.
We will have no resolution with the organization in Tennessee, but I hope that something happens that leads to an investigation, as she is really not doing the dogs she has up there any justice (nor if she was the telling the truth, apparently her cats either). The organization in Lake Charles should now regret sending any of their dogs to her, as she actually accused them of improperly taking care of and being cruel to the animals they sent to her. I suppose she knew I wasn't falling for the lie about her cat getting killed, and started grasping for straws, throwing an entire rescue organization under the bus in the process.
The volunteer that adopted us the husky has also since checked up on how that particular dog is doing as she is required, which is GREAT. She was glad to find us again as our paperwork had been damaged by water during Gustav. He's reaching a normal healthy weight (42lbs when we got him, around 60-65 now), is now well socialized with other dogs and children, and in general has many more of the qualities we expect in huskies than he displayed before. We are happy to give him a home he deserves and in retrospect, the dog we were going to adopt had already been 'saved' whereas he was still in need of saving. It doesn't give me back the year I spent trying to adopt the first husky, but it does make us feel better about what happened in the end.
There is nothing I could say or do to prove to you that the things that happened to me are exactly as I told them, except for you to personally meet my very healthy and happy family; however, it is important for the rescue community to realize that not EVERYONE who represents them does a good job, and as with any group, organization, workplace there will ALWAYS be someone who has a skewed perception or is simply overzealous. It's unfortunate because good people with good homes are being denied the opportunity to give an animal a better future."
Flo replies, matter of fact like...
Dear Cynthis:
The two people in APAWS, who always have to give their approval on the adoption of Huskies or Malamutes, have no recollection of the incident with you, and it is contrary to the behavior of both of us. When people come to me, I always have
a conversation with them about their knowledge, experience and expectations of dogs, especially the sled dogs. If something comes up in that conversation that is less than favorable, I always try to investigate the issue further to make sure that
I have not gotten the wrong impression. Only if the matter is cleared up and I think the person is a good candidate will I send them to the table to fill out an application. I usually accompany them to the table and let them know that unless something glaring surfaces, they have my approval. Terri does basically the same Obviously, neither one of us talked to you. I have no idea who you did talk to and why they refected you. Further, legitimate rescues are very anxious to adopt the dogs and cats in their care, so they don't reject people for shallow reasons. We just want to be sure that an animal we have rescued and brought back from the brink of death (every Sibe and Mal I have gotten has been in horrible shape and takes months
to become adoptable) are not going back into the same type of situation they came from. Perhaps there was something you said or something in your demeanor that sent a red flag to the rescue.
Dear Flo, it's a grand total of 7 letters. Could you possibly get them all right? CynthiA, CynthiA, CynthiA. It's not THAT hard.
Secondly, none of what you described above actually occurred. This is fully detailed out in my response.
The incident with APAWS was quite some time ago. We were not asked questions at the crates nor spoke to anyone at the crates. Not a single person approached us at that time although it wasn't particularly busy. After seeing the dog we stood there for a while, I was waiting on a decision from my husband as this was to be his dog and I really wanted to make sure this was what he wanted. We waited at the tables for an application, were handed one by the lady and when she asked which dog we were looking at, we answered her question and every other question she asked. The question that set her off was the inside/outside issue, apparently being outside for ANY amount of time was unacceptable. Even though we had stated it was to be inside except to use the bathroom and our yard was fully fenced in with the required materials for such occasion, she snatched our app away before I had even written our names on it. We had given her no reason to be alarmed as we already knew we easily met all the requirements and we are both very calm an respectful individuals. It happened so fast we just stood there in shock.
The only thing I could possibly think of is this. I'm sure I appeared to be THAT college student that organizations fear incapable of taking proper care, at 27 I still appear to be in my early teens, my 11 year old niece is about to pass me up in height and I was probably wearing an LSU shirt and comfortable jeans even though I had already received my degree several years prior. My husband is also a very relaxed man in what he wears, in no way a slob but he likes to be comfortable. It would be a shame if we were prejudged based on appearance alone to fall in the irresponsible category.
This IS what happened to us and I'm sorry to say you weren't there to make sure we weren't incorrectly ill-perceived. I can't give you a name of the individual, I really wish I could. Older with gray hair is the only information I have. A former co-worker who volunteers for Cat Haven knew who it was but never said the name that I can remember, as she at one time had interviewed her for a story. I'm assuming she really was able to identify the individual correctly. She told me not to feel bad because her opinion was that the woman was indeed quite 'interesting' to say the least. But that's just it and the basis to my grudge. Incidents like this stay with people like me because it affects us so greatly, if someone were to ask me I were to try adoption again, I would find myself reluctant but not entirely closed minded as shown by the next attempt to adopt which ended up just wildly horrible. I don't want to feel angry, my post was a therapeutic release of frustration. I'm letting it go now and would like to finally be able to let sleeping dogs lay.
Sooooo yeah, their little "process" of crates-to-table never happened. Yes, the last line was a very subtle hint that she shouldn't contact me again.
I have been with APAWS for about 4 years. APAWS has been the Animal Protection and Welfare Society since 2002. Before that, it was a different organization. Who was the person from APAWS that apologized to you and was this by phone or email? When did this person apologize? I would like to resolve this issue. Yes it is wise to let sleeping dogs lie, but you woke up the dog!
Gee thanks for the history lesson Flo, wasn't necessary but okay. Why all the questions on who would DARE apologize on behalf of your organization? Getting ready for a little inquisition? Now her last line just started to irritate me a tiny bit and at this point I've decided to cease being somewhat cooperative.
I'm sorry but really that really is none of your business.
As far as you should know this person was a good representative of your organization that didn't make excuses. They simply said they were sorry that I had a bad experience and encouraged me to give adoption another chance. I can only assume you are not just being curios and intend on taking a course of action with this person. I would like to think it would be to commend them but I doubt that is the case. Do not ask me again.
At this point you are obviously not interested in the actual issues, nor care to admit even the possibility of fault with someone in APAWS; therefore there is no reason to continue our conversation. I'm politely and respectfully asking you to do not contact me again concerning this.
Seeeeee... I WAS being polite. Apparently, polite doesn't work for her... she REALLY needed answers and when I was discovered to be unwilling to participate in her little witch hunt. Weeeell then.
I have asked all APAWS people about this matter, and no one has any recollection of either the initial rejection or an apology. This leads me to but one conclusion: You are either highly delusional, or an inveterate liar! Either way, it makes your entire story highly suspect.
That's REALLY using your common sense. How many criminals immediately confess to their crimes when the police ask if they were guilty?!? How many employees are immediately honest with their bosses, when they're asked if they did something stupid to hurt the company? "Johnny did you break the cookie jar?", "uhhhhh, nooo mam". "Well okay Johnny, run along and play now."
I'm sure she was given real honest answers by the people she asked. Nonetheless it was starting to get real personal, me delusional? I'm known for being a little bit wacky, but in the 'I wear a clown nose' way and I DO admit to the occasional blonde moment. I mean I saw this picture,

and it took me a while to realize that it wasn't some giant weird creature, just a couple of G.I. Joes standing over fresh squirrel road-kill.
I think she sensed she was not going to get 'her way' and what do people who don't get their way do? Yeah, that's right, they resort to being retarded. WELL, there's nothing more exciting to me than messing with retarded persons. I sensed retarded people blood in the water and I'm not Jewish, but I've got a big nose even they would be jealous of. (For all the Jewish people out there who may be reading this, don't be offended... it's super funny and you love me!)
Are you retarded?
I'm not ratting out the good person, I have no clue who the bad person is.
You're a fool if you think the people you asked would admit to such terrible actions.
The person whom I spoke with probably thinks you're an idiot and I'm sure they aren't going to patronize you.
There is no bottom that can be reached. Stop playing super-sleuth, you are not good at it.
In case you didn't catch on... I have already adopted. The worst you could do is not let me adopt... whoop-de-doo. Been there, done that... not going to try again.
So at this point, I've ceased being polite. I've fully determined that she is a first-class idiot that has issues with being wrong wrong wrong. This is confirmed in her response.
You can't rat out the bad person because that person does not exist. You cannot rat out the good person because that person is a figment of your imagination, or is not a member of our group. In short, all of this is made up, and you are not big enough a person or are so delusional that you cannot admit it.
Yes Flo, I'm short, very short, that means I'm not a big person. In this, and only this, you are correct. Your insults are getting kind of boring... it's time to get wacky.
Then the joke is on you because you INSIST on arguing with, in your opinion, a delusional person. I purposefully made a story up just to have an interesting Sunday conversation with you.
Thank you SO much for playing along. Now, that we've determined that I'm crazy, I have a new box of crayons and I REALLY need to go enjoy eating them. My favorite ones are the purple ones, they taste like a mix of wax and grape. Care for me to waste some more of your time? I can go all day, I have nothing better to do.
Her response is less than brilliant, but it keeps the game open.
You are absolutely right! I am wasting my time, because you are not interested in resolving any issues: You are only interested in whining and trying to gain undeserved sympathy. You are indeed a delusional, paranoid, inveterate liar.
Soooo, if you agree with a delusional person... does that in affect, make you also somewhat of a loon?
You may want to take off your hero cape for the night. Last I checked; I never asked you to resolve anything nor for your sympathy. Even if you were to swallow your pride and offer such, there's no way on this earth I would accept it. Not like that was going to ever happen, but just so you're aware.
I've asked you to leave me alone, which I was starting to regret because I've been stuck at the inlaws and I've been REALLY bored. Man, I just kept checkin my email. Did you know that purple crayons do not taste like grape? Just wax really, guess I was delusional about the whole grape thing as well.
Please continue to humor me... this is going to make a GREAT story. My readers are going to split at the seems with laughter. Florence it's been real fun, hope you don't mind if I use direct quotes. Of course, I really don't need permission since it was all voluntarily sent directly to me. Gotta love technology!
I might not have been remembered before by your motley crew but I'm almost certain, YOU will NEVER forget me now!
*chirp*chirp*chirp* no response... NOOOOOO don't go Flooooreeeennceee!!!!
I kept checking my email, and checking... and checking some more. *sniffle*
I send one last correspondence before drifting off.
Hey Flo (can I call you Flo? You can call me Sin [Cyn] if you want.), I just wanted to tell you goodnight... I'm sad that I'll go a few hours without you but maybe I'll have a nice dream with you in it. That might make my husband jealous but he'll get over it. I really feel like we've bonded in the past 24 hours. Hope you didn't take anything too personally. Talk to you tomorrow. Sweet dreams!
Sadly, I woke up this morning with no new email from Florence T. Robinson. I've gone through my workday with no emails from Florence T. Robinson. I feel so empty. So empty that I must reach out one last time.
Flo, where are you? I've gone all day without hearing from you. Are you okay? I know you must have been up all night crying for the souls of those in my posession. They want you to know they're okay and they'll even share their training treats. It sounded more like *bark*bark*bark* but I've got a dog-to-english translator on my iPhone.
I was thinking about it on my way to work this morning. I should have asked you if you could pick me up or something. Don't worry, I'd chip in for the gas. They really shouldn't let delusional people like me receive licenses, or earn degrees for that matter. I might have to confirm that with the university though, I might be making that up as well. I might really be an elf, and not just some really really short person with no purpose.
I'm sorry to cause you grief. If only you would come back, I'd be soooo happy. You've opened my eyes to the pretend world I've been living in. I shall make a shrine and I shall name it, Ode to Flo. The candle will be lit until your glorious return.
UPDATE: Still no response from Flo, preparing to fire again.
My Dearest Flo,
I had almost completed my shrine to your greatness when I realized I was missing the most important element... your picture.
Despite my best google-searching, I was unable to find your likeness. So I decided to create my own likeness of you using my second best talent, the first best being mocking you.
I tried to interpret what I do know about you into a 2-dimensional version of you. That wasn't incredibly difficult because I only had to increase your personality by one dimension. Had I been trying to go 3-dimensional, well, that would have been quite a challenge.
Here's what I do know:
1. You don't like being poked at and once you feel like your competence is in danger, you try your best to hide.
2. You're an older woman. I can tell you're an older woman because you still place two spaces in between the end of one sentence and the beginning of another. This practice ended with the age of the typewriter. Letters on a typewriter were space in uniform fashion. In modern technologies, this is not necessary due to the computers ability to kern the spaces in between letters. Being that you are older, this required the use of the eyeglasses accessory and an elegant up-do.
3. You're never wrong, which is why you look like my 9th grade math teacher, who was also never wrong, even when the principle of Scotlandville had to step in and inform her, she was indeed wrong. Ironically, I also got in trouble with her because I was unjustly accused of mocking her. I was acquitted of those charges.
4. You like to make assumptions about people. This does not translate into any physical properties, it's just something I've noticed in the course of our conversations.
You'll find attached my creation, which I must say, despite the fact that I've never done caricatures before, is quite striking. I REALLY hope you like it.

All my love,
HEY, I asked her VERY nicely to leave me alone like forever ago. Florence T. Robinson, you just may be the inspiration behind Pet Adoption Organizations are NUTS: The Sequel.
Sin (Cyn),
What a doozie! I cannot believe the nerve of that lady! Can I just say that I think denying you and Chad to adopt an animal is like denying Mary Poppins the right to be a nanny. And I can say this because I know you personally, unlike that quack and her loony rescue agency.
But mostly I am thankful for the entertainment her crazy antics provided during a less than eventful workday.
I hate to say it but we had the same experiences twice with the same person. We weren't good enough to adopt a poor dog and watched him repeatedly show up crated and miserable while we desperately wanted to adopt. We have a huge yard, have extended pet experience, treat our animals like family, but the excuses for reasons we couldn't adopt were endless. The truth of the matter is that it is her little power trip. Rather than do what is right for the animal, she gets a kick out of becoming judge and jury on who is "qualified." It's like the people at the airports that work the desk making minimum wage holding you hostage and watching you wiggle as you almost miss your flight JUST BECAUSE THEY CAN. It's a power trip that gives them a cheap thrill and a sense of superiority. I don't EVEN want to guess what the reasoning behind it is though I have a good idea. We laughed our asses off at your posts. We also were stunned and in disbelief at the insane excuses we got, none of which were accurate -and leave us wondering if she has been around her dogs for too long. How is it better to leave a poor dog crated in your home and out for 10 minutes a day if they are lucky, than being placed in a loving home and running free? I seriously wonder if there is some way that a "rescue" person benefits financially from NOT adopting out the dogs?....There must be a way, because these idiots are making money off it somehow. What other reason could there be? You hear of similar situations all the time where people get a little education and decide they are omnipotent, and even smarter than people with MORE education. Well, YEP- they ARE ALL KNOWING- and can magically see into your soul that you are definitely NOT qualified (lol) -and for that, these poor animals suffer indefinite kennel living with NO quality of life. We adopted elsewhere where the people were sincere in wanting the best for their rescue animals. Can you imagine someone like that as a teacher? If the kids didn't meet CERTAIN criteria- nothing would ever be good enough... I think there is a word for that- not sure.
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